Saturday, February 28, 2015

Q&A XLVII: Random Pick 10 and Short Answers [Group Post]

Q. Dear PF, please do a reading on certain tragedies in human lives like a prolonged illness, joblessness, deaths of dear one, love failures, heart brakes, etc. that never leave a person despite constant prayer/solutions. Are those events predestined to happen for certain time due to karmic debt?
A. Some actions happen due to acts of free will and others are due to chosen life paths. Karma does play into what life path you are on (predetermined before you incarnate), but depending on the lesson learned (and how well it is really understood) that path can change. If you force it before it is ready, or go on an act of free will, fate will bring the lesson back, even if it is in a different way. You will have to learn, understand, and expand through experience, and at THAT point, you can move on...

Q. Hello Lynn, I was wondering..... Sometimes people come to Earth to fulfill a purpose. They often die prematurely, usually as an act of violence. So, if Jesus came to Earth to die for our sins then that means Judas was suppose to turn him in. Perhaps John Wilkes Booth was suppose to kill Abe Lincoln. Joan of Arc, JFK, RFK, MLK...they all died before their time and I wonder if they came into the world knowing that they would leave it early. If they knew this, does that mean that the people responsible for killing them don't go to Hell? If they were doing what they were suppose to do, fulfilling another man's destiny, why should they be punished for infinity if it was agreed to before they were born?
A. It is true that some people incarnate to fulfill a mission, and part of the mission is to die once a specific event or action has occurred. The inverse is true for the person incarnated for the mission of killing a person- still a mission, but viewed in a different light based on our perspective. Both sides of the coin exist for the purpose of completing a purpose (one viewed bad, the other good, but in the bigger picture just doing what they are here to do..). I don't see anyone being "punished" (that word feels off) because from their individual perspectives they were doing something for the greater good (and it is important to mention that we are discussing the scenario of these men being assassinated as we were told and not in truth [such as in the fable of JFK]). I also get that throughout history, true victims have come back to be assassins and vice versa (not an eternal punishment, but rather a completion to a lesson)..

Q. Have you heard about the 'dogman' sightings in the US? Where do you see them coming from? Thanks!
A. I tuned in on this and I cannot see that these are accurate pics. I get that a few pics that have come forward are actually glimpses of Bigfoot, but I don't see a dogman...

Q. Do you see climate change (ie man made/influenced) as being a real thing or is it due to the natural carbon cycles that peak and drop every 2000 years or so? I know we definitely do have to have some kind of impact but are they over emphasising our effect?
A. I get that they are using this as a money making tactic for those in power. There is some buying/selling/trading of carbon credits making some people very rich, and in reality the amount of pollution really effecting the climate is minimal. Pollution is a very real thing, and it affects our surroundings (i.e the air we breathe in our surrounding towns), but it isn't creating an overall climate change or global warming on earth. I also get (and visually see) that there are alterations of temperatures on other planets (like the solar system itself is warming or changing, but those making money on the carbon credits won't bring this to light).. The system is going through a cycle, and it will peak and then drop off..

Regarding the man made changes- that is very real, and weather manipulation is used as a military tool. They haven't perfected it (I always see what looks like kids with a new toy trying to figure it out). It doesn't create an overall climate change, but does create localized effects where it is used.

The real thing that is changing weather is the earth wobble (and the slowing of the earth due to another solar system rotating through ours). True north is changing (almost daily) causing temperature changes in drastic ways. I have discussed this in greater depth in previous readings, and I attached a link to this being discussed in a recent post:

Q. The United States government is one of if not the most corrupt governments in existence right now, going to extreme lengths to fulfill their agendas to which no one is safe, whether they be other countries or even citizens within the US itself. One need only look up "Operation Northwoods" for clear evidence of that, which is just one of many examples. Considering that level of corruption and bullying: Do you see any actually legitimate outside, or internal, attacks on the US government anytime in the near future?
A. When I focus on this I see two different time lines emerge.. They both vary depending on the acts of free will and level of consciousness that is applied...

The first path I see is that the government grows so large, that it has nothing to govern and sort of self destructs. It takes and takes until there is virtually nothing left to take, so it starts to take from itself (departments try to control each other). Then I see a tic that is full roll onto its' back and it cannot move (????), and my impression is that the government reaches a point where it is tapped out of resources and people to extract from, which renders itself helpless.

The other path I see (which involves a huge amount of conscious awakening) is an outside (ET type) force coming in and resetting us. The way it comes about is this ET force emerges, and the government puts effort into fighting them off, but while that occurs the distraction is away from the people, which allows people the opportunity to unite (raise consciousness even more). With the increased consciousness, and the ET intervention, things "turn over" and the people gain control... Both paths are long and difficult (will require work), but inevitable.
Q. What is the reasons the aliens have blessings of such high technology?
A. It isn't a "blessing" but rather they have been around for a long time (thousands and thousands of years). They have also ascended into another level of consciousness that allows them to tap more easily into the universal knowledge, which gives them a better understanding and ability to create what they can see (and know) when they connect. Then I am left with the saying "Einstein received some of his theories from something outside this world, imagine a race of Einsteins (and you can see how technology can advance to quite a sophisticated means.)"

Q. How does God/Creator come into place with regards to ETs/aliens??
A. I see what we refer to as the main God, or Creator, being a name used to describe the universal consciousness or oneness. This main "oneness" is the source from which all things were created. One of the things that emerged from that source was the genetic material that combined and created ETs/aliens...

Q. Hello Lynn, Thank you so much for all of your insight that you offer to us on so many subjects. I have really been wondering lately what is the truth behind the US giving up on our space program. We were a pioneer in space exploration for so long and then it just seemed so sudden, they just tossed it all out. Is there a specific reason that our government shut down this program that we may not truly be aware of? Thank you for any insight you may have. Love, Light and Peace to you.
A. I get there is still a program, it just isn't official, the budgeting is hidden under some function of the military and we are very much still exploring things, but not doing so in the "space shuttle." There are a lot of things going on with this... We have extracted enough ET technology that we have begun to build some of our own space crafts (some of what we see is really our own). We have also been "warned" in some regards to stay away from certain location (for example we are prohibited from landing on the moon). There have been some complications with close ETs that have caused things to be done more in private, but the US is still very involved in space activities.

Q. I know you did a posting on mental illness, but I wonder if you could do a reading on depression. What is the spiritual cause of it, why some have chronic cases and what is the learning of it and how can someone work around it? Many thanks
A. When I read this question I hear the word depression is slow motion..and it sounds like d-e-e-p r-e-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n.. I get the main reason people experience depression is due to deep repression of something. It could be feelings, thoughts, events, something you should (or should not) be doing, something important or significant to the person. Doctors are quick to give you something to alter your mind and bring you out of it, but if you have never dealt with the underlying cause the drugs don't heal the underlying problem, but rather hide it deeper. I get the best cure is meditation. If that isn't possible, seek out a good therapist or even hypnotherapist to help you sort out your repressed thoughts and show you effective ways to process the emotion and rid yourself from it.

Q. Can you give you thoughts on this article I came across?
A. When I read this I immediately see that there is a disconnect and sides are being chosen. I get an image of teams being chosen, and Russia and the Ukraine are the team captains (however, Britain and the US are the coaches for Team Ukraine). I also get an impression that the stage is being set for some kind of an attack... I see it happening in the Ukraine first (inflicted by one of its' own team captains) to give Team Ukraine a reason to REALLY attack Russia... It looks rather confusing (like they don't have a good plan figured out or know what they are going to do yet), but they know they need to do something.

And that is all I have for now. Thank you. Love and light-

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Moon Waves

Q. Hi Lynn, There are a group of amateur astronomers that watch the moon closely. So far, 10 have captured film evidence of a "lunar wave", where there is clearly some kind of wave that passes through the surface of the moon several times. Equipment issues have been ruled out (see Crrow777 on YouTube for videos). Can you pick up anything about what might be going on? Thanks!
A. When I first tuned into this I immediately saw a car driving down the road in the hot sun. As you look out the window ahead of the car you can see the blurring images associated with the air and the heat- sort of an optical illusion your eye plays on you when you eye actually "sees" the heat waves. I then related that to how atmospheric properties give you that same waverly illusion when you view the moon at certain times / angles.. BUT something about that as an explanation felt incomplete or even off SO I wanted to think on it a bit more..

As I focused a little more it came to me that the reason it felt off was because it was off- the initial impression is what "they" want us to think in order to rationalize the phenomenon away. Then my mind flipped to the back/far/dark side of the moon, and from there I saw a multitude of ET bases established.. Part of the defense these ETs use at times is a "force shield" that surrounds the moon and prevents other beings from landing or coming within a certain range of their space. I also get that our own astronauts have seen and experienced this "hostile" type of welcoming first hand, and this was the main reason we weren't able to land on the moon.

Q. Who are these ETs and how do they interest with Earth?
A. I don't have a name, but visually they look tall (6 to 7 feet), very pale (almost albino), humanoid beings. They move around like they are on a mission- establishing a base and mining for something. It looks like there is something important in the interior of the moon and they are seeking it out (some kind of special metal that is unique to our moon). Many ETs use earth as their "pit stop" but they look to have no concern with earth. They have the view that they don't want us interfering with them, and in exchange they will leave us alone. They look neutral unless provoked (and I get something happened on a space mission that made that very clear??).

And before I veer too much off topic, I will close for now. Thank you. Love and light-

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cosmic Consciousness - by Deepak Chopra

The Future of God (A Conversation between Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Kyra Phillips, CNN)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sugar Ray Leonard & Deepak Chopra - One World

Olympic Gold Medalist & 6 times World Boxing Champion Sugar Ray Leonard, now dedicates his fight to his company Exhale Cosmetics and the Exhale for Peace Foundation for the special disabled military veterans.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cat's Eye on the Future Interview

Melodi, Thanks again for having me on your show! We covered a lot of topics (some pretty heavy and intense) which was great. I had a really good time! Love and light-Lynn

Hemp Oil and Cancer

Q. Can hemp oil cure cancer? I'm asking the hemp oil question for a dear and amazing friend with stage 4 cancer of esophagus that has spread. Second, are there any meaningful side effects from hemp oil? If you could post a reply to these questions soon, it would be great. Love your blog- thanks!
A. The effectiveness of the hemp oil depends on the cancer and the person using it (their chemistry and more important their mind and how they view their level of health). I see hemp oil working similar to a fish oil in reducing inflammation- it looks to be a natural cortisone (or have similar effects as a cortisone). This oil looks to be a ramped up version of a fish oil (similar properties but more intense results).

Regarding cancer, it looks to help "clean" the blood and help to eliminate free radicals and toxins. It looks like the hemp oil gets into the blood stream and as it floats it has a lubricating effects on the walls of the arteries, and yet works like a magnet collecting the "junk" in the system to later be excreted. I also get not to feel alarmed if your urine has a "foul" smell while the purging of this toxins is occurring as it is your body's way of naturally getting it out of your system.

I get this oil can be taken by drinking it directly (using a spoon) or it can be taken in a capsule (as long as the capsule is filled with liquid oil and not a solid version of the oil- I get that a solid is not it's pure state).

Q. What are the side effects of this oil?
A. The first thing I get is that it is like a super protein. I see it effecting hair, skin and nails in a positive way. I also see this working to aid and help with hormone imbalances that effect mood and sleep (insomnia)- it looks to be a natural way to balance the body.

Q. What other things can be combined with the oil to promote the effectiveness?A. I am first taken back to a reading on dandelions- they were being eaten (the flower tops and the leafy greens). The vitamins and nutrients within the dandelions looks to promote health and also create a balance in the body (regarding Ph) that makes it more difficult for cancer (or foreign) cells to grow.

I also get that drinking apple cider vinegar can be very beneficial. The goal is to force your body into more of an alkaline state. Cancer thrives in acid, and if you reduce the acid- it can't multiply. A spoonful once (or ideally twice) daily diluted in 3 or 4 ounces of water looks to be very beneficial. As I type this I see the person taking a spoonful of honey after they drink the apple cider vinegar (?) then I hear "a spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down." (??) I am unclear if it is a taste or health benefit, but the image feels like it completes the message on how to maximize the effect of the vinegar..

The last thing I see is Frankincense essential oil. A drop can be placed on the external part of the body relating to the cancerous location (for example, if it is in the throat, apply the oil to the throat itself) or it can be taken internally (either a drop diluted in water or in a capsule) BUT if you take it internal it must be therapeutic grade (I have oils on my site I recommend, but you can do your research also).

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

The following are some other readings I did on the topic of cancer that you may be interested in:

Pagan is Latin for Redneck

The first time this definition occurred to me, it made me giggle. With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, it definitely has the humorous aspect of meaning covered. But the more time goes by, the more I like this definition from many points of view, and not just because it's funny. This characterization is accurate, both from a historical and an etymological point of view. The actual Latin term is Paganus, which is usually rendered in English as "country-dweller." Historically, this term came to describe those who lived outside the protection of the nascent city of Rome. This term is an ancient term of otherness, applying to those who either already had been or would shortly be conquered by Rome. It was disparaging, much like the "redneck" of today.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

All About the Face..

Q. Hi Lynn, In Chinese physiognomy they study faces. Is our physical look affected by our energy / vibration? (For example, some people have frizzy hair while another may have straight hair, or someone can have a round face versus someone with a square face).
A. I do see that a persons energy can effect our facial features, but I don't see the energy creating brown vs blue eyes, or round versus square face, but rather the symmetry of features (where is the nose in relation to the mouth, spacing of eyes, what horizontal plane to the eyes reside in relation to the ears, etc). It is the feature itself that tells a story, but rather how the features are positioned in relation to each other.

Q. Can these physical traits be altered somewhat? If yes, how? Thanks
A. I see that it is rare, but a person (by changing vibrations) can have subtle alterations to the positioning of physical traits on their face. I get an image of someone being studied. The person then leaves to go on a spiritual retreat (this is the image my mind is showing me) for a few weeks, and when they meet again and are studied. The eyes are the same, the shape of the mouth is the same, but yet something is off- At a closer look the positioning of the eyes (the space between them narrowed) is off, and even the slightest variation can make a person seem and feel very different. Then it comes to me that the position of the eyes (not the eyes themselves) are the "key to the puzzle."

Q. Do people with similar spiritual vibrational level have similar faces eg. certain skull shapes or facial angle etc
A. I get it isn't about the face as much as it is about the eyes. There is some significance to the position of the eye and also the iris print (??). It is coming to me that every print is unique, but there is some kind of common factor. I see someone reading an iris print much like the circular astrology chart.. It looks like the dots or imperfections within the iris (??) are being analyzed and read. I don't see exactly how this is done, but there looks to be some significant studies and people are working on perfecting this...?

Q.. How do we determine whether someone is spiritually advanced or spiritually low just by looking at their face?
A. You have to look into their eyes. Unless you have studied "eye prints" it is hard to determine, but more than anything you can "feel" it. Your subconscious will know, you just need to listen to it.

Q. Do our faces change drastically or remain almost the same from our immediate past life?
A. Faces change drastically from incarnation to incarnation. You may be caucasian, indian, asian or even an animal. There is no "same face" that carries with you. What I get does remain the same is your iris print. Regardless of the being, you will have the same iris print (I am referring to the imperfections or markings NOT the color or shape of the eye itself).

I am left with hearing the phrase that "the eyes truly are the windows to the soul."

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Friday, February 13, 2015

Luc Montagnier & Deepak Chopra - One World

Author of 350 scientific publications & more than 750 patents, Professor Luc Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine, for his 1983 discovery of HIV1 as well as HIV2.

Monday, February 9, 2015

‘Mommy, What’s a Bible?’

Latest in a series  for secular parents offering age-appropriate explanations for religious concepts. Several years ago, an atheist friend of mine agreed to send his eight-year-old son to Vacation Bible School camp with some friends from the neighborhood. As camp week approached, the two would discuss “VBS” from time to time. One day, his son asked: “Dad, [Read More...]

Deepak Chopra to Visit Dubai

Published by Becoming a leader capable of bringing change to an organization or society seems like a far-fetched dream to some people. But for Deepak Chopra, voted one of the Top 100 Icons of the Century by Time Magazine, everyone can be a leader with a vision who can turn it into reality.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Anthropic Principle by Deepak Chopra

The Future of God (A Conversation between Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Kyra Phillips, CNN)

Friday, February 6, 2015

A Tapestry of Metaphor: Art and the Pagan Spirit

All acts of creativity and craft -- from cooking styles, sayings and folkways, to story telling, performance and artisan works, to the "purest" fine arts -- form the invisible matrix by which our culture teaches itself about itself.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Quick Video of the Day...

The following is a video sent to me by A Man Called Da-da. It was so interesting I wanted to give my impression:
(Note: The above link was pulled, but I was able to find it on another link (it is so amazing I want to be able to share this before it gets pulled too... The "beam" shows great at about 1:50.

Q. So what is this video all about and what is going on?
A. As I watched this, I kept thinking, "What are they telling us?" It was mesmerizing trying to determine what exactly was being shown. I kept seeing references to morse code- and see these beams of light with varying intensities was really a message being sent similar to morse code... I get that ETs are all around us, wanting to show themselves, but they cannot be here freely unless we allow them. (Then I got an image of a spirit coming to someones home, and they were only able to enter with the person's permission. ET beings work in a similar way.) There is some kind of energetic barrier that prevents them from blatantly existing here on earth, and unless we open ourselves up and permit them to be here, they cannot just force themselves onto us. They can interfere (some) and be here in hiding, but not be truly free to help and walk about. Part of gaining their acceptance (which they hope later allows for permission) is for us to acknowledge that they are here- they exist- this is real.

I get all over the world we are seeing these "light shows." They are being covered up with various excuses, and when people that REALLY understand what is happening (the truth without the "cover-up" mask) ask "why?" it is because these people in power claim they are protecting us from the worry and chaos that ensues after an announcement such as one involving ET life is broadcasted. The REAL reason behind the lack of disclosure is if we acknowledge their existence, there is a chance that a collective consciousness will permit these beings to walk the earth as they once did. If the human race bonds together we can overthrow this current system and allow ETs to come back, aid, teach us. The "powers that be" don't want this to happen because it threatens the control that they have built over the years and they fear that something that is more influential and powerful than them will come in and wipe away the system they have built.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you (and thank you Da-da). Love and light-

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Q & A XLV: Issues Around the World (Group Post)

Q. Hi Lynn. Could you look into what is happening in Indonesia with the leadership of the newly elected, very popular president? Also, could you look into the future earth changes that may affect the archipelagic country? Will the islands be inundated, disappear? Thank you, dear!
A. I get that right now he is really "feeling: out his surroundings. I get an impression that he is working on strengthening Indonesia's position, and in doing so forming alliances (even with countries he may not long) can be vital. I get some kind of terms or negotiations are happening with China (like an exchange of goods for services). I don't see the people liking these negotiations, but it will make the economy (and environment) feel safe as long as it plays by the Chinese rules. China does not want to occupy Indonesia, but they do want something from the people..

As far as the land itself... I see the larger land masses being safe, and the loss of land on those locations will occur mainly on the coast. I see more flooding (and vulnerability) on islands in the eastern side of this grouping, and the western parts (near Singapore) more protected. Some of the smaller islands looks like dots in the ocean (as if the central most point is all that I can see).

Q. Greetings, Lynn! Ron Van Dyke and Dave Schmidt have been holding sessions with the Ambassador for the Red Dragon Family,who supposedly are proposing the funding of projects by the disbursement of funds from the grassroots up, i.e., the empowerment of the common folk.It is said that the Red Dragon Family are in possession of 90% of the gold on the planet. Do you see all this as being set forth with good and proper intentions, or will it lead to more disappointment on the part of the people? Here's the link to the latest update from Dave Schmidt:
A. I do see some good intentions behind this "Ambassador." There is an awakening occurring, and this man is trying to see it through. I get the impression that he doesn't have the "pull" or influence that people want him to have (regarding being able to make change), but he is trying. I also see this man as having a lot of momentum now, but some how it fizzles out (as if he reaches an end to it). He does deserve our energy and support to see him as far as he can go.

I do not see the Red Dragon having 90% of the gold. The gold distribution feels very convoluted- like it is borrowed, then loaned and borrowed some more so the true ownership is hard to define. Then I get there are people fighting over the same gold thinking they both own it.

China does have a lot of gold, but I do not see the Ambassador being able to do anything with it... (Maybe I am not connecting to it??)

Q Hello Lynn, would you consider answering this question? Thank You! In Argentina a court ruled that captive Orangutan has a human right to freedom. When we think of mermaids, how much more human are they when compared to these monkeys? Do you see any country (maybe Denmark, because Greenland and Faroe Islands belong to it) doing a similar step soon (with mermaids)? Thank You? (
A. I get this is much more complicated that it appears on the surface. I see that for a non-human being to be declared independence it must it is being abused or in a situation that if others of the same species lived in would result in a decline of the population and the non-human in question would need to be returned to its' natural environment (not artificial) as long as it is not detrimental to humans. I get the situation with this Orangutan was less that satisfactory, and that is the reason it was granted freedom.

I don't see the line being drawn at only Orangutans, but it is something difficult to expand upon, and each country will adopt these laws at their own pace. I cannot see that mermaids will fall into this category at this moment (or close to this moment), but I do get that animals will be viewed differently (with a different level of consciousness) within the next 20 +/- years.

Q. Hi. could you do the reading about nuclear power plant in Ukraine. Is the Kiyev government covering up an accident?
A. I get there was an accident that was caught in time, and since it was caught in time it is easier to cover-up the incident rather than evoke fear and deal with the damage control of that. I see it was something regarding an equipment malfunction in which some kind of automatic sensor was not working, and by the time it was manually caught it was too late.

Q. Hi Lynn, There is this Anthony Armstrong Emery who sold Brazil a social housing investment scheme under Ecohouse. Many investors from UK, Singapore and elsewhere realized that they have been scammed and some are taking legal actions against him. Was this an outright scam or did it start out as genuine but the business turned bad?
A. I see it did start as a good thing, but went bad rather quickly. What I see happened is different investment projects or parts of projects were put into different accounts through Ecohouse (I visually see the money as being separated as a way to maintain the accounting and tracking..). Then some investments on their (Ecohouse's) end started to fail. They took money from the various accounts (the Ecohouse social housing in Brazil specifically) and felt they could reinvest those funds to make up for what they lost in other accounts- They were trying to make back lost money to increase the overall revenue / profit of the company. They ended up losing that too and bankrupted the account housing that money.

I also get that the defense under Ecohouse is to act as though they have no association with this project in Brazil, and if investors chose to invest in this social housing project they did so with people that weren't operating under the terms of Ecohouse. I see people within Ecohouse being caught (even arrested) but the top layers of the company looks to be insulated from this. The "top" will have questions to answer, but I don't see them in trouble. The "middle men" that are the face of the company, will have a lot to answer for.

Q. Can you comment on this? It is a little unbelievable that this has happened:

A. I see he spoke some "truths" that others didn't want brought up. He had many doubts about the situation, and he started to question things. I also get that he confronted a police officer there that wasn't really an officer (an actor in a police costume)- and he talked about this event with someone... This was not a suicide..

Q. Please look at the nuclear situation on the west coast of North America... current and future. Specifically the effects on young children. What can do to protect ourselves.
A. The first thing I get is to be cautious of the food. I get that many animals are appearing deformed (fish) and are being sold cheap to market. I also see a certain level of caution with food grown in the southern part of California. The more south you go, the worse the concentration. I get the northern part and Washington states have some, but it is a much more mild concentration.

I also see more an more illnesses occurring in this location- I get they will be mostly neurological and toxin related because the body cannot continually process this foreign toxin. Thyroid cancers will grow- maintaining adequate iodine and potassium levels will help with the processing of certain cancer causing toxins, but long term the body has a hard time fighting this off.

Q. I've been amazed with you since I read your site. I have some worries about future of Japan. I'd like to see about future events (especially, natural disaster). Could you see when the Mt.Fuji will explode, and big earthquake will occur in Tokyo? Will the capital of Japan (include the moving of imperial palace) move to more west? I also saw the image of flood or tsunami of my town before. Could you see this kind of thing happen in near future, and where it will happen?
A. When I focus on Mt. Fuji I see rumbling, and even get that the earth with shake (causing earthquakes), but I don't see a large explosion or eruption with it. I get it is active (I sense this feeling of it being alive- there is a lot of energy tied to it currently), but I don't see a large eruption tied to it (in the near future).

I get that within the next 2 1/2 to 3 years Japan (or somewhere close to the coast) will experience an earthquake large enough to destroy some buildings. I can't get that it is rooted in Tokyo- it looks more on the north eastern coastal area. I get this earthquake event will result in some major flooding.
I cannot connect to the capital moving... I see a "second capital" emerging (as if they have a "back-up" location), but Tokyo looks to remain still functional.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sunday, February 1, 2015

How Do We Know What Reality Is? - by Deepak Chopra

The Future of God (A Conversation between Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Kyra Phillips, CNN)