Friday, May 29, 2015

Smudging / Saging Advice

[I am often asked how to sage or smudge a space, so I wanted to share a technique I use that I have found to work well. Feel free to leave comments to share other helpful ]

Smudging can lift negativity and lighten a space. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be shifted or moved elsewhere. The goal of saging / smudging is to move the energy that is not working for you in you, your family's or even your pet's greater good.

What you need:
Red Cedar
White Sage
Heat Safe Container
Wood or Paper Matches
Feather (Optional)
Clear Mind with Positive Intent

  • Open all the windows to allow air to flow though the space you wish to smudge.
  • Put your herbs (cedar and sage) into a fire proof container (many people like pottery or shells), but use caution because the bottom of the container can get hot. Even take a moment while placing this herbs into the container to have gratitude and be thankful for what these herbs are about to do (clean your space and promote a positive atmosphere).
  • Form your intent and develop a mantra to say or think while you are smudging. You may even want to think through your thoughts before you begin the process. Avoid using negative terms such as "no, not, don't" etc. Always phrase your intent with a positive undertone. For example, Instead of saying "No negative spirits are allowed in the space" think "All lower vibrational spirits must leave this space and go to where they can better be served." It is the same thought, but comes across differently. I suggest practicing what you want to say or project outward before you start (the first time you smudge it can feel awkward).
  • Light your herbs with wooden or paper matches (think natural or organic). Once the herbs begin to give off smoke you are ready to start.
  • Walk your space in a counter clockwise motion waving smoke with your hand (or some people like feathers) into the corners, closets, etc while constantly repeating either out loud or in your head your positive based mantra.
  • When you are done, allow the herbs to burn out on their own (you can place them outside or on a safe surface). After they have burned out, you can put them in your yard or bury them. You want to give them back to the earth.
  • Allow your space to air out, and enjoy your clean and uplifted environment.
Love and Light - Lynn

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Question #1

Question: –
Oh you threw a party!? Man that sounded fun! Did you have a hangover the next day? Lol 
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Floating City in Dulali

Q. Hi Lynn! This is an interesting story!! In a local border village called Dulali, (In Lanzai South Ward, Darazo, Local Government of Bauchi State, Nigeria), 100s of villagers saw a floating city! If you have time, looking into this would be really interesting! Is it another dimension? Thank you for insights! L&L.
A. As soon as I read this question I had a flood of things come to me. The first was I heard was"This is what happened to Atlantis. It didn't sink but was saved and vibrationally rose above by manipulating gravity It [Atlantis] was a magical place." I see that a species from above (ETs that don't seem to want to reveal themselves) saved them.

Then, I see references to the movie Oz the Great and Powerful where they are travelling inside a clear protective bubble. My impression is that if this isn't Atlantis that these people witnessed, it is a land similar to it that was saved and protected within this "clear bubble." This bubble looks to not only protect this "land" but holds in the specific vibration (I get an image of the bubble popping and the land dropping down out of the sky. Not that the bubble is popping, but if it the the vibration would be disrupted). The unique property of the vibration is that not only does it allow this land to float, but move through things. It is as if the frequency is not effected by gravity or mass. This land isn't on a different layer of existence, but rather vibrates on a unique frequency.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Friday, May 22, 2015

Five Photos for Friday #10

Hi all, and welcome to Five for Friday #10. There's a lot of thinking necessary to absorb this one, so take your time. Might be helpful to actually meditate on a few of the topics.

Image #1: Mysterious Cobra Photograph #1
Backstory: "Cobra" recently released two photographs and the following text: "It is time to begin the process of Disclosure. Therefore I am releasing two relatively recent genuine images, coming from the Dragon sources, related to the Disclosure process. I have been instructed by the Light forces not yet to reveal what exactly is on those two images, because human mind then starts to speculate and intellectualize. It is much more important for the people to have a direct energetic experience of the images." Who is the woman in the picture and why is she significant? Why is this significant for Disclosure?

What Lynn Saw
"It's not the woman in the picture; it's more what this picture represents. It's an image of this woman sleeping, but what's happening is that there are these light forces from above who are positive, I can't see them as a physical manifestation as far as what they look like or what they are. They're more like energy, so when they come to earth they're coming as these forces from above that battle evil and pull us humans up into the next dimension by raising our vibrations, but I don't see them coming down from above in a physical existence. It's more like they float down in these energetic bubbles. Like I said, it's not who this person is, but what's going on. I see this energetic bubble hovering around her, illuminating her face, connecting with her Third Eye. I also get that there's this communication going on with her subconscious mind. If she were to suddenly awaken, she'd tell you about this amazing dream she had. Basically, Disclosure is indeed happening all around us FROM THE INSIDE OUT, not the other way around. People keep waiting for some world leader to tell them the truth about ETs, but the truth is actually coming within, from their subconscious. Pay attention to your dreams."

Image #2. Mysterious Cobra Photograph #2

Backstory: This is Cobra's picture #2. Some kind of portal? Why is this significant for Disclosure?

What Lynn Saw
"When I look at this, I get that its an abandoned ET base in a popular location like the Grand Canyon, hidden in plain sight. It's a gem of a place. There's some sense that it's abandoned. Something environmental happened to drive this species away. But it's the fact that it's THERE that's important for Disclosure. There's some writing literally on the wall, if we could see it. It's right under our noses. Those who have mastered the art of meditation, if you could move into that mental state while touching this structure, you'd know how to read the words there. It's a powerful, powerful spot."

Image #3. Horned Human Skull
Backstory: This is apparently one of many horned human skulls found in a Pennsylvania mound c. 1880, all of which have (of course) gone missing over the years. So, real or fake? Human or ET?

What Lynn Saw
"I get that this IS real. There's really dark energy tied to it. I get that this is more ET-based. These are lower vibrational ETs. They came here and it's almost like they haunted the people of Pennsylvania. It was a Native American tribe that battled this ET tribe, a while ago. The weird thing is, I see these horned beings as lost ET's that came here in one ship; they had no plan but just showed up here... and they were a nuisance. They haunted the Native Americans until they'd had enough and the natives rose up and killed them; they thought they had to cut their heads off to kill them. These were very low-vibrational entities."

Image #4. Budapest Alien & Energy Ball

Backstory: Da-da's guessing this recent pic is fake, but what the heck. If real, from where does our little friend originate?

What Lynn Saw
"Looks like a Photoshop job to me."

Image #5: The Gate of the Gods at Hayu Marca
Backstory: Lots of legends intersect here in Peru. One has it that the ancient gods would return in their "solar ships" via a "gateway to the land of the gods" which sounds very much like a portal. Another legend tells of gold and riches secreted away from the invading Spanish by a loyal Incan priest who hid a disc-shaped golden key, called the "key of the gods of the seven rays." That said, does this door-like edifice have anything interesting beyond it?

What Lynn Saw
"This is on some kind of a ley line. It's placed perfectly, energetically. I do see this as a portal. Someone walks up and puts their hand on the door and mentally they're able to change their energetic structure. Those people who could were godlike to the tribes of that time, and were able to mentally break apart the atoms that create matter so things were more... fluid, so you could move right through them. Think about it: if you had control of all the molecules that make up a solid wall, if you had the ability to touch it and break that bond, you could essentially move through the wall because the molecules are not bonded together, like a diver breaking the surface of the water in a dive. I see someone put their hand on this door. They sit there and funnel this mental energy through themselves and they learn how to break these molecules apart, and go into the chamber beyond by touch. It does feel like a portal. On the other side of the door, I see this hollowed out space of pure darkness. I then see them entering this space and then accessing some ship in another solar system. This a kind of safety lock. It's almost as if, if you don't have the ability to dissolve the door and walk through it, then you are not of a spiritual capacity high enough to survive the portaling effect on the other side. Once you reach the other side, you'd mentally need to know where you need to go and just go there. I see different types of ETs using this. The leader of this tribe could also go back and forth. The door is very old."

So, lots of homework this week for everyone. Join us Friday-after-next for episode #11.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Anatomy of The Spirit of Place

I am a conscious being who lives and has experiences which affect me and shape my identity and personality. This does not seem strange in any way, even though modern science tells me that most of my body is not actually made up of parts with my DNA. There are bacteria and virii as well as chemicals which course through me which, if taken separately, are not “me”, but taken together are all part of me and all influence me, my thoughts and my activities.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Q & A XLVIII: Health Question [Group Post]

Q. Are we supposed to eat vegan? I personally study nutrition and although I think it's gross to eat animals, I do believe that nutritionally we are supposed to eat animals but I was wanting to know for sure.
A. I hear that by design we are meant to eat meat (that is why we have "canine" teeth), but with a balanced diet (and supplements) it isn't necessary. If we were to live in much earlier times, we would depend on the consumption of meat for survival, and it would be an important part of your diet. In our more modern times we question it because we can..
[I have mentioned this before, but whether it is plants or animals, you should always show gratitude for your food that you are taking into your body for nourishment).

Q. A lot of people are buying vitamins and minerals online but are the modern systems of mail irradiation and x-rays killing the properties of what you're ordering? If so, by what percent and what do you see as the best methods of shipping we can request from a company?
A. I keep seeing the image of a space blanket, and get that if there were some kind of foil or metallic lining in the package your supplements would be kept better. They may lose some life (around 15%), but retain much of their natural properties.

Ideally you would consume the majority of your nutrition by the foods you eat. I see the natural process of eating and absorbing the nutrition is more effective than the supplements because of the coating. (Research your company and see how easily their products are broken down in the body versus being passed through).

Q. What's your take on tofu? Does it interfere with thyroid and hormones or is good? Does it replace other forms of protein.

A. Tofu has good effects, but can be overdone too. It serves as a great source of protein (I get it really boosts the health of hair, skin and nails). It can be used to replace many forms of protein needs, but shouldn't be the only source of protein. I keep seeing this highly waxy component in it that makes it look like it holds on to toxins and doesn't allow the body to excrete the toxins as easily (creating a build up). I get that anyone trying to detox should stop eating tofu during the detox period.

Q. What do you feel and read on surrogacy? Would it be ideal for a career woman as an option. What is the implication on the baby's soul, spirituality, feelings towards his or her real mother, if any?

A. This is really an individual situation, dynamic, and more importantly the intent. Is it based on love and helping a person, or based on money with little emotional involvement? There are many different situations, and all have different outcomes.

Q. Lynn, is there any way you can rid your body of vaccines?

A. I get that with time they have this "half life effect." They fade in intensity, but always remain to some degree (just like an immunity buildup after an illness).

Q. Infertility, why is it always people that really want kids or is good people in general can't have or have problems conceiving but the ones who shouldn't be even allowed to own a pet have tons of them or its so easy for them to get pregnant?

A. I see that all kinds of people have trouble having kids and it isn't "assigned" to one group. The reason it feels as though the focused ones are having trouble is because less responsible people don't talk about, think or even focus on it (and it doesn't seem like an issue that our subconscious registers).

I also get that when someone is trying to get pregnant, you are very sensitive to your surroundings (everywhere you look there is a pregnant person, baby, sign, commercial, etc..) so it brings those thoughts and feelings outward. It works like the Law of Attraction in that you notice what you focus and think on..

Q. Is distilled water good for the human body?

A. I get it isn't harmful, but it doesn't have any added nutritional value in it aside from hydration. I get this image of the life force (the living energy tied to water) being striped from it during the process of distilling.

Q. Scientifically, how does homeopathy work? Specifically, potencies exceeding Avogadro's number. Does the vibration of the medicine cancel out the vibration of the matching dis-ease, thus eliminating it? How does it cure?
A. Depending on the element I see it working a couple different ways depending on what you are using and what you are trying to treat. What you described is true for some cures- you are putting a specific vibration into your body to "cancel" out the thing this is causing you trouble. It is like two elements with competing vibrations cancel each other resulting in no vibration (or an altered one that isn't harmful).

The other way I see them working is by introducing a small amount of the vibration into your body so your body builds a natural immunity to it. Once the immunity is built, you can stop the homeopathic treatment. Your own tolerance kicks in.

Q. I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this but, I was reading through old blog posts of yours and on 2 April 2013 someone asked about using artificial devices to stimulate the brain to increase intuitiveness. "I see a picture of a device, and it looks like a TENS machine, and they are putting a pad on the left side and a pad on the right side and stimulating current that way..." Do those TENS machines work? Are you aware of any that produce results? I meditate daily but my results are inconsistent. I see visions but rarely hear anything or get answers to questions. I wonder if anything on the market can 'boost' me up a bit.

A. I get that there are machines out there that can "boost" you, but the best way is to do it naturally... I feel some kind of caution needs to be used with regard to these machines- you really need to do your research, and even though effective, they aren't suited toward the novice.

The best way to go natural about it is to first detox as much as possible.... Drink water, eliminate fluoride and artificial sweeteners. Try to eat healthy and get sunlight.. That alone will help to detox you and center your body.. Then incorporate things into your meditation such as crystals (I see clear crystal quartz) and various musical tones (I get drums work well for this, but it is really up to the individual).

Q. A question about eyes problems like myopia, farsighted, etc... Are these a real problem or a manufactured one with the eyeglasses and contact lenses?

Some talk about a simple exercise, which consists of taking 3 targets in an open area, One at 1~3m(3~9ft), second around 10~15m(30~50ft) and the third at 30m[100ft). Focus 5 seconds on a target, close your eyes move to your next target and so on. Repeat 3 times each day. Do you see an improvement by this practice? Of course, do you see other ways to treat this? ( methods, plants, electronic device, liquids, etc.) As always, thanks for your precious time!
A. I get this really depends on the person and what is causing the issue. If the muscles are weak, the exercise you describe can help to strengthen the eye and help with the problem. I also see that once the muscles reach a certain point (or there is damage due to another reason), they really can't be naturally corrected without assistance (ie eyeglasses).

It is also important to know that the eyes, like other parts of the body, need treated right (exercise and nutrition). I also see a liquid fish oil (omega3 oil) and the base of orange vegetables (I see squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and carrots) being healthy items to consume to help with vision (and keep the eyes healthy).

Q. Can you take a look at this video: Is muscle testing an accurate way to gain insight? Can it help us choose the right path to go on?
A. I get that for some people this may work, and for others it may not be an accurate way to assess your inner thoughts. I approached this test in two ways- one in which I set the intent that it WOULD work, and it did. The muscle testing was accurate.

I then approached it from a different way, stating that it would not work and was bogus, and it did not work. For it to be effective the person doing the test must believe in it. If you believe, you will achieve the results that you look for and this can be effective. It really begins with the mental mindset of the person doing it, and the intent behind it.

Q. Hi Lynn, do you see a natural treatment for keloids (particularly ears)?
A. I get lavender essential oil (a few drops) mixed with coconut oil and applied a few times a day will help to break the scaring down. You can also add a drop of frankincense to your mixture ("when in doubt, frank it out") to boost the effects even more.
Q. What is the best way to make a natural water filter using materials found outdoors or from a store?
The most common way is to use varying types of gravel, sand and last layer of charcoal. What about additives. I mean maybe you can use a crystal that is beneficial to the water, or use some oregano for bacteria. For example... What about the facts and fictions about alkaline water.
A. The first thing I got was to start your filtering process with a cheesecloth or coffee filter to get the larger particulates out (and preserve the rest of your filtering process). Gravel, sand and charcoal does look the way to go. Putting crystals in your water and letting the water sit out overnight in the moonlight looks to "charge" the water or give it some kind of life that causes a positive result. I get adding a lemon essential oil is sanitizing also, and cuts down on bacteria.. (You can use oregano, but I saw lemon oil).

As long as the water is naturally alkaline, I cannot see an issue with it. Our bodies are craving the alkaline state. Do what your gut tells you is right, and I am left with the thought that if someone is swaying you against alkaline water, what are they selling or who do the represent (?). Reducing acid rids many people of many ailments..

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light,

On Place, Pagan Values, and Politicizing Paganism

These woods where I live have a spirit to them, a kind of consciousness, and my own spirit is bettered when I deepen my relationship with these woods. This is my Paganism.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Narrative of Muslim America with Edina Lekovic Ep. 4

Narrative of Muslim America features Edina Lekovic; the Director of Policy and Programming at the Muslim Public Affairs Council. In this blog-ver-sa-tion, Edina will discuss 3 important phases of her life growing up; as the skateboarder, her college days, we were about to discuss her professional work but the conversatrion was so fun, we only [Read More...]

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Jeff Rense and His Car Accident

Q. Can you look at the Jeff Rense accident and tell us what happened? Thank you.
A. When I tune into this I see a man who is very outspoken. If he sees something he calls it out. Very direct, and I see that is truly who he is. He doesn't act one way for certain people, he acts the same way toward everyone.

He cares about people, and wants people to just (and I hear) "just be aware." He doesn't care that you think differently than him (then I hear a laugh and get that he does a little), but at least have the ambition to care about something, and be courageous enough to have an open mind. Don't just think something because your heard it on the news or someone told you otherwise.

He is also not afraid to speak out about all subjects. I also get that some force from above protects him so he can continue to relay his messages. That force (working like a guide) is what has allowed him to survive that horrible car accident. Sometimes people are on a path that involves spreading truth and knowledge, and they aren't allowed to pass into the spirit world until their messages are complete. I see Jeff as that type of unique person.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Monday, May 11, 2015

Becoming a Professional Manga Artist?

So as you may or may not know, I’m currently residing in Kumamoto-shi Japan, and I like it, it’s pretty cool. I came here because first off I fucking love the culture and second, I came here to actually learn … Continue reading

The post Becoming a Professional Manga Artist? appeared first on Free Hentai Flash Porn Games.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Five Photos for Friday #9

Hi all, and welcome to entertaining and enlightening Five for Friday #9. Buckle up: this one is even more mind-boggling than usual!

Image #1: Giant Stone Spheres of Champ Island
Backstory: Who made these giant stone spheres found on Champ Island in the center of an area that belongs to Russia called Franz Josef Land? How were they made? Are they related to other spheres found elsewhere on earth?

What Lynn Saw
"I first get the image of a bowling ball rolling toward bowling pins. Then I see Indiana Jones in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark.' These balls were part of a defense mechanism in certain locations that would loose these balls. I see a makeshift wooden system made from logs that handled these. They could then be retrieved and re-used. They're made out of a softer sandstone or rock that's more easily shaped, made by the native people who lived there, and used for defense."

Image #2: The Great Attractor
Backstory: There's something massive on the other side of our Milky Way galaxy called "The Great Attractor" that we can’t see, pulling on every object around us within hundreds of millions of light years. The Milky Way is hurtling towards this unseen object at 14 million miles an hour! So, WHAT is the Great Attractor, and how long will it take us to get to it? What will happen once we get there?

What Lynn Saw
"First thing I see is a watch face. As I look at The Great Attractor, I see it somehow alters time for us. We experience time faster as we're pulled toward it. Quartz crystal timepieces and atomic clocks will be less reliable than mechanical watches as we near this thing; the crystal is sensitive to the gravitational pull and will vibrate faster. Anyway, as I tune into this Great Attractor, I want to call it The Mouth of Space. It's pulling everything toward it. It's taking it all in. Once things get to it, things are 'recycled' and put into this alternate space; you'll go through this enormous transformation, like a new space has been created on the other side, but there's this calm and serene feel to it. You take this enormous ride through it then on the other side... nothing. Time feels different. Things speed up as you approach it, but once you go through it, time stands still."

Image #3: The Hand Print of Padma Sambhava
Backstory: This is reportedly the hand print of the Second Buddha, Padma Sambhava, made on the bare rock just as he achieved the "lightbody state" and ascended. Is it? If so, can you explain how this happened?

What Lynn Saw
"I get that he was half-human, half-ET. When he died, and his spirit left his physical body, there was this reaction that happened, the energy that was within him, pure energetic form, he immediately ramped to his potential vibration, and there was some chemical reaction in the form of heat; if a human resides at say vibration-level 2 or 3, and can meditate up to say 4 or 5, he immediately went from 5 to 9, creating this intense thermodynamic reaction, a discharge of heat. His hand MELTED THE ROCK as he touched it and ascended. Wow. The light was beyond intense. People would've been able to see the light from all over. He left with a flash, literally." Padma Sambhava was indeed six fingered, due to the hybrid of ET DNA.

Image #4: Was Harry Houdini... a Spy??
Backstory: Was Harry Houdini an intelligence agent? For the US, or for a different country? Was he using his tour schedule to spy on various people/things?

What Lynn Saw
"He was not an intelligence agent, but he worked for one. He would sometimes share info in exchange for money. I keep hearing 'whodunnit, Harry Houdini whodunnit.' Ah, looks like Houdini was murdered for this spying activity! Hmm. Who killed him... he was selling intel to [what would become] the CIA [then the OSS], but in the process he saw internal dirty dealings going on (and I don't know what it was, but the emotion tied to it was repulsive). When he brought it up or talked to the wrong person about it -- THAT is what got him murdered [by the OSS]." [FYI, he was murdered on Halloween, the biggest cabal human sacrifice date] "...but [his death] was tied to his findings -- he learned too much."

Image #5: The Dragon Man Skeleton
Backstory: Some think this is the skeleton of a dragon, or a half-man/half-dragon. What was it really?

What Lynn Saw
"I see this more like a real live reptilian ET that was captured and burned in order to kill it. That is really quite amazing that it was found, and so intact. I see an image of a tribe taking the skeleton and dismembering it and placing it around their village to ward off other "reptilians" or their energy. I can't get a clear date on how old it is." [Wow. Look at the bone architecture. Those things are strong, and heavily armored.]

And that's it. Join us Friday after next for episode #10! In the meantime, never underestimate the power of angry villagers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Prince William and Kate's Baby

Q. Hello: I'm not sure how to ask this question officially - but is there anything going on with the birth of the new princess (William and Kate's new baby girl?) Is it just me, or does she look older than just a few hours old as quoted in the photos???? A few sites are saying she was born earlier, but her birthdate changed to suit some Illuminati motive. But that aside, she strikes me as being older than just a few hours. To further my query it's even reported in my mainstream news feed that some Russian women are saying that she was not only born 3 days earlier, but was delivered by a surrogate and Kate was not pregnant at all.
A. When I tune into this I do get an element of fertility assistance, but it wasn't a surrogate being used. I get she really was pregnant, but she got pregnant with fertility treatments because (in both her pregnancies) they wanted to make sure they had the desired sex, and that the baby was healthy. To be clear, Kate is healthy and fertile, but they wanted to control the outcome of the pregnancy so they used a process of genetic engineering of William's sperm and Kate's egg to have the optimum success..

Regarding the age, I do get the baby is just slightly older than they are admitting. The reasoning is based around some kind of new moon / full moon cycle (and I want to say April). The date pre-chosen by the "powers" has to do with power and strength. I also get she was told to wear a "fake belly" to hide the true date (like the baby came too soon??). The "powers" wanted this baby induced and tied to a date in May, but she went into labor before then. The "powers" aren't hiding the date, but rather the prince and princess are in order to earn approval from a higher force (the Queen or even higher?).

Regardless of everything, please keep in mind they brought a beautiful life into the world. Focus on her being good and helping people. It only takes one person to ascend in order to move many people. (And she is close to the source of many things...)

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Monday, May 4, 2015

Around the World.. What is going on?? [France, New South Wales, Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia]

Q. I ask you to make a read about what's happening in France now. There is a log of crazy stuff happening there: censorship laws (conspiracy, new french NSA build up (DRI)), more and more restrictions promulgated (health care, liberal profession, etc.) and binding acts (vaccinations, organ donations, maybe on the vote (a choice at moment, but not for so long...)).

And the politicians give themselves the right to have more privileges in their elected position...People start to be quite annoyed about this and less and less inclined to vote for some political parties, but they act as if nothing had happened... the atmosphere is electric.

Could you give a read on the "power that be" in France and the big events for the next few years?

A. I see France moving in the same direction as many countries. There is an overall fear of people awakening and regaining control. If one country rises up and people start to revolt, it could spread to other countries and the "powers" can't have that. I see a trend of slowly and gradually getting tight control over the people. Then I hear a story in my mind about how if you put a frog in a pot of water and slowly turn up the heat you can boil it to death and it won't even realize what is happening- I get the rights and freedoms of people are taken in that similar manner (slowly and consistently) .

I see this need of "re-programming" of people taking place too. Through fear rights are taken (some is forced and others is gifted by the result of creating problems and through voluntarily relinquishing control for government protection) I get that there will be at least one more false flag in France to ensure the "level of fear" is at the right point to maintain control. (To be able to have or not have gun control will be huge..) More taking of the rights will be happening in France (and other countries). In the short term, the fear looks to make the majority passive. I don't see any uprisings occurring. There will be some riots / protests, but this looks to be short lived.

Q. The Australian (New South Wales) government has recently increased the frequency of helicopter flights around public and residential areas, especially residential. Almost everyday where I live, they fly very very close to our roofs here. I feel like they are either trying to search for something / someone special, monitoring something, or trying to use this as a mean to suppress a high vibration of someone / something. I don't know if you feel resonate with this. What is your view on this please? Thank you very much for your answer and your devotion to maintain this blog.
A. I get this image of military running and hiding around buildings (like a video game). Then I get that the government there is worried that other military (from outside the country) is trying to sneak in and occupy space (like secret spies or something??). The people are under close observation to make sure this doesn't happen. It is like they are on an unannounced terror alert and keeping things in check.

Q. Hi!! What is the future of Philippines with all the internal and external conflicts happening now? Thank you, love and light :)
A. I get the image of cats fighting when I think of the Philippines. I see this country constantly battling something, some are big issues (external) and some are small internal issues (like "cat fights"). Small internal conflicts seem to be the norm.. I get the big issues are other countries trying to bully the Philippines and take ownership of the land. Ultimately, the Philippines will remain intact, but I see they will have to make deals (sort of like exchange for protection) to remain independent, but will agree to accept influence from the more dominant country- (I see this dominant country as being China).

Q. A famous leader of Singapore has just passed on. He was Mr Lee Kuan Yew. There are people that think he was great and appreciated him to be the founding father of Singapore, while others think he had made wrong and hard decisions. It would be interesting to know how and why did he do the things he did? His intentions and his hard decisions.
A. He had a vision of where he wanted to take the country. He did make hard decisions, and some not favorable, but it really was in the mindset of making the country strong. There was a weakness (like the country wasn't big or powerful enough to have people fear it) that he wanted to overcome by working on the internal structure. He worked on alliances and ways to improve the entire socioeconomic system (he knew the strength came from a thriving economy and the people). He encouraged education, family (and I hear his focus was quality not quantity in reference to children and parenthood). When I think on him I keep seeing Hitler (but the strange thing is that I cannot determine it is a good or bad thing... but definitely that this man was set in his beliefs much like Hitler.)

Q. On April 29th, eight executions were carried out in Indonesia – all at the same time. The prisoners were from various countries (including two from Australia) and all had been sentenced to death due to drug trafficking. There has been an outcry from many corners of the world demanding that these executions cease, but Indonesia is now planning the next 'list' of prisoners for execution. The irony is that the drug trafficking is rife in Indonesia, but it seems that they want to murder prisoners from overseas. They will execute a drug trafficker, but not a murderer??

Politically, what is the outcome going to be, Lynn? Is this new Indonesian president going to continue to rule? He simply has decided to kill every trafficker and that is that! Will these executions stop before there is more disruption? (it is scary). What does his country really think about his attitude?
I see he is sending a message. I also get his is going against something bigger, and specifically sending a message to them. I hear that he is trying to say that he can "play with the big boys too" and doesn't plan on quitting. He is using his power to prevent people from coming in and taking "his people's money." (I get a brief message about him being paid off by some internal drug traffickers because they don't want outside people coming in and taking their business..?? but the message left quickly..) People are happy he is taking the drug problem seriously, but also fear him as well.

We in Australia are worried because our Govt is insistent that we continue and re- build relationships with Indonesia. Australian people are very angry and sad and there is much friction, because our country men were killed. (killed in a barbaric and cold manner). Is the relationship between the two countries going to repair?
I see it being repaired "on paper" like a deal or negotiation is made between the governments, but I don't see the people emotionally repairing or buying into it... It feels forced and the people aren't receptive to it.

Spiritually Lyn, what happens to these barbaric and clinical cold soldiers firing the bullets in executions? The President makes the decisions and the soldiers fire the bullets..? What is in store for them, how is this judged?
It really depends on the soldier and their intent behind their actions. Did they feel they were working in the greater good? Were they operating out of fear? Were they doing it to be malicious? The spiritual outlook really depends on the individual.

In regards to the two Austrian men... Did they come back together in this lifetime to attract attention to the barbaric executions that are still being performed in many countries and also that they must cease? Was that their contract? Did it go as planned?

Everyone is here to learn and grow through experience. They chose their path, and what they did was necessary for their personal growth, and those they influenced.

Indonesia is also concerning us because they took control of West Papua some 50 years ago and at this point have killed, raped, and tortured 750,000 West Papuan tribes people (genocide). The violence is shocking and Indonesia is in complete denial. What is going to be the outcome for these tribal people? There has not been a country or Govt in the world (including the UN) that has stepped up to help these tribal people? Will anyone help them? Indonesia will not allow media into West Papua! We are aware that West Papua is rich in minerals… but is there a plan here…like let the Indonesians kill them off because we want the minerals? Thank you Lynn.

This is being ignored, and I don't see other countries rushing in. There are many battles going on, and other countries are too distracted to go to Papua. I do see Indonesia wanting the resources (they are desperately trying to acquire some wealth and get their economy healthy so they can "compete" with the rest of the world.)

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Friday, May 1, 2015

Rudolph Hess Deputy Fuhrer and More on Hitler

Q. Rudolph Hess was the Deputy Fuhrer of Nazi Germany. He was suppose to succeed Hitler, when Hitler retired in 1950. Hess flew into Britain to negotiate a peace settlement with Britain in 1940, but his plane had engine problems, he parachuted out of the plane and he spent the rest of the war as a POW. After the Nuremberg trials he spent the remainder of his life in Spandau Prison, in West Berlin. He kept the motives of his failed mission a secret. He never divulged anything about it, but supposedly he was going to meet with some members of the Royal Family to negotiate peace or even ally them with Germany.What exactly was his motivation for the plane flight? What was he keeping a secret for so many years that he felt was so precious he could not speak about it?
A. The first thing I get is this man was a very brave man, and the thought of failing a task he set out to do was not in his mindset. He was stern and failure wasn't an option- He felt that for himself and for those he led.

I get the goal of this trip was to try to get Britain on Germany's side. He was going to try to come up with a negotiation or compromise that would allow these two forces to align. I get the main drivers of the war were the US and Britain (and a more "ghost" country that resides in current day Israel), and if one of those powers would align with Germany, it would give Germany that much more strength. I get as part of this discussion he wanted to expose this "ghost" and use some psychological warfare to make Britain realize just how manipulated they were in being pulled into this war- pose it from the perspective that Britain was a pawn in this too.

Then the "secret" part of the mission comes up. I see that if the negotiations were to go unfavorably he was prepared to assassinate the "royal powers" to create a weakness (and need to regroup) to temporarily disable Britain to give Germany an edge. [I see an image of a triangular shaped table, and this table looks like the support that is holding the war and keeping it alive- one leg is Britain, one leg is the US and one leg is rooted at a point on the map that is now called Israel. I get if one leg was disabled, then the table would fall.] Then I get that this was NOT an order from Hitler, but rather his own plan in the event he could not reach a negotiation.

Q. The Allied Powers in Berlin (Russia, France, Britain and the U.S.) had said that he would be released if he had confessed or otherwise given them the information that they wanted. Apparently, there was at least one time that 3 of the powers agreed and Russia (USSR) denied. Then, supposedly; the USSR finally agreed to release him and Britain reneged. Eventually Hess committed suicide by hanging himself. What was so precious that he kept so many secrets confidential to himself, 42 years after the war was over ?
A. As I stated above, the entire visit to Britain with plans of a talk, and a back-up plan of being an assassin was the secret. I get he was a man of his word (viewed very honorably) and refused to go against his word or his country. He was determined to reach a favorable outcome regardless of what he had to do. As I said above, the alternate plan was not a directive from Hitler, and revealing this plan (that never came to fruition) would not help his country or cause- it would just ad more fuel to this already burning fire.

More on Hitler...

[As a side note, when I do my raw reading I just type what comes to me and then I proof read my post to make sure my thoughts connect. Upon re-reading this I realize this is very sensitive to some people, so please keep that in mind if you chose to go forward. The goal is to share knowledge and not upset people...]

Just another set of questions on Hitler. That previous Hitler reading was so eye-opening and enlightening that it would help to learn even more about Hitler.

Q. Why did Hitler want to implement a barter economic system? What made him want to choose that economic system?

A. He could see how the current usury system was failing his people. Money became over inflated, and people couldn't get out of debt. I see someone taking a wheelbarrow full of money to the store to buy a loaf of bread. It came to Hitler that if people bartered for services and did straight dealings between each other, they had more pride in their work and also eliminated the need for a "middle man" that just took their money but didn't provide a real service. Paying high interest rates on over inflated money was hurting the economy, but once that system was disrupted and reset to something else, the Germans thrived.

Q. Did Hitler really have a deep hatred of the Jews as the mainstream history books portray?
A. He didn't hate people for being Jewish, but he hated the Jewish "Powers that Be" that were coming into Germany and spreading materialism. Hitler could see this system unfolding were materialism was being introduced (both products and services), and the Germans were buying into it, which led to more debt that ultimately let to the Jewish "Powers" that ran the banks getting rich off the interest being paid.

I see Hitler as very old fashioned- He believed in family above all. He didn't like to see women behaving in unrespectable ways or men not being good fathers. When the materialism was introduced into the country (and sex and porn became part of it), he was not going to allow it. That was the final straw that made him tell the "powers" that the behavior was stopping or they were leaving. They could live that lifestyle and influence people, but they weren't going to influence his people.

I see when these "powers" left they spun the story and took their Jewish followers with them. They weren't killed under Hitler's command, but they were told they had to get out because his people weren't going to be corrupted.

Q. So, Nazi Germany did not attack the Soviet Union first and Soviet Union did actually attack first. How did this information got lost? How did it get accepted into history books that Nazi Germany attacked first and started World War II?
A. I get it is because the "winners" write the history. When the war was over I see that all the school books were taken, and "new" information was released to be taught to the kids. It was made illegal to talk about the "true" events from any perspective other than Hitler being bad. I see that the truth was passed on, but I hear it had to be done with "whispers."

Q. Basically in general, how did the World War II atrocities blames got switched on Germans from Soviets without many people noticing it and calling it out? Like the work and death camps, etc.

A. The media is controlled, and unless you were there you didn't really "know." All information that was passed on was second hand information.. The truth was passed on, but it had to be done quietly. The powers also knew that if they didn't demonize Hitler other countries may consider going to a barter system too which would really hit the purse of the Jewish "powers" so they had to destroy what Hitler built to prevent that from happening again.

I then hear that when Hitler rebelled against the usury and materialism system and told the Jewish "powers" to leave, it was like Hitler gave them a basket of lemons. The Jewish "powers" then took that basket of lemons and created lemonade. They used this event to create a "protection" over their group with favorable effects being shown now (such as Jewish families still receiving money from Germany). I hear that between this "protection" and control of the media, they have made themselves untouchable (at least in their minds). Then I get no where is history is a group so protected, even the slaves that were treated horrifically don't have that type of protection..

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-