Hi all, and welcome to entertaining and enlightening Five for Friday #9. Buckle up: this one is even more mind-boggling than usual!
Image #1: Giant Stone Spheres of Champ Island
Backstory: Who made these giant stone spheres found on Champ Island in the center of an area that belongs to Russia called Franz Josef Land? How were they made? Are they related to other spheres found elsewhere on earth?
What Lynn Saw
"I first get the image of a bowling ball rolling toward bowling pins. Then I see Indiana Jones in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark.' These balls were part of a defense mechanism in certain locations that would loose these balls. I see a makeshift wooden system made from logs that handled these. They could then be retrieved and re-used. They're made out of a softer sandstone or rock that's more easily shaped, made by the native people who lived there, and used for defense."
Image #2: The Great Attractor
Backstory: There's something massive on the other side of our Milky Way galaxy called "The Great Attractor" that we can’t see, pulling on every object around us within hundreds of millions of light years. The Milky Way is hurtling towards this unseen object at 14 million miles an hour! So, WHAT is the Great Attractor, and how long will it take us to get to it? What will happen once we get there?
What Lynn Saw "First thing I see is a watch face. As I look at The Great Attractor, I see it somehow alters time for us. We experience time faster as we're pulled toward it. Quartz crystal timepieces and atomic clocks will be less reliable than mechanical watches as we near this thing; the crystal is sensitive to the gravitational pull and will vibrate faster. Anyway, as I tune into this Great Attractor, I want to call it The Mouth of Space. It's pulling everything toward it. It's taking it all in. Once things get to it, things are 'recycled' and put into this alternate space; you'll go through this enormous transformation, like a new space has been created on the other side, but there's this calm and serene feel to it. You take this enormous ride through it then on the other side... nothing. Time feels different. Things speed up as you approach it, but once you go through it, time stands still."
Image #3: The Hand Print of Padma Sambhava
Backstory: This is reportedly the hand print of the Second Buddha, Padma Sambhava, made on the bare rock just as he achieved the "lightbody state" and ascended. Is it? If so, can you explain how this happened?
What Lynn Saw
"I get that he was half-human, half-ET. When he died, and his spirit left his physical body, there was this reaction that happened, the energy that was within him, pure energetic form, he immediately ramped to his potential vibration, and there was some chemical reaction in the form of heat; if a human resides at say vibration-level 2 or 3, and can meditate up to say 4 or 5, he immediately went from 5 to 9, creating this intense thermodynamic reaction, a discharge of heat. His hand MELTED THE ROCK as he touched it and ascended. Wow. The light was beyond intense. People would've been able to see the light from all over. He left with a flash, literally." Padma Sambhava was indeed six fingered, due to the hybrid of ET DNA.
Image #4: Was Harry Houdini... a Spy??
Backstory: Was Harry Houdini an intelligence agent? For the US, or for a different country? Was he using his tour schedule to spy on various people/things?
What Lynn Saw "He was not an intelligence agent, but he worked for one. He would sometimes share info in exchange for money. I keep hearing 'whodunnit, Harry Houdini whodunnit.' Ah, looks like Houdini was murdered for this spying activity! Hmm. Who killed him... he was selling intel to [what would become] the CIA [then the OSS], but in the process he saw internal dirty dealings going on (and I don't know what it was, but the emotion tied to it was repulsive). When he brought it up or talked to the wrong person about it -- THAT is what got him murdered [by the OSS]." [FYI, he was murdered on Halloween, the biggest cabal human sacrifice date] "...but [his death] was tied to his findings -- he learned too much."

Image #5: The Dragon Man Skeleton
Backstory: Some think this is the skeleton of a dragon, or a half-man/half-dragon. What was it really?
What Lynn Saw
"I see this more like a real live reptilian ET that was captured and burned in order to kill it. That is really quite amazing that it was found, and so intact. I see an image of a tribe taking the skeleton and dismembering it and placing it around their village to ward off other "reptilians" or their energy. I can't get a clear date on how old it is." [Wow. Look at the bone architecture. Those things are strong, and heavily armored.]
And that's it. Join us Friday after next for episode #10! In the meantime, never underestimate the power of angry villagers.
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