A. The first thing I get is this man was a very brave man, and the thought of failing a task he set out to do was not in his mindset. He was stern and failure wasn't an option- He felt that for himself and for those he led.
I get the goal of this trip was to try to get Britain on Germany's side. He was going to try to come up with a negotiation or compromise that would allow these two forces to align. I get the main drivers of the war were the US and Britain (and a more "ghost" country that resides in current day Israel), and if one of those powers would align with Germany, it would give Germany that much more strength. I get as part of this discussion he wanted to expose this "ghost" and use some psychological warfare to make Britain realize just how manipulated they were in being pulled into this war- pose it from the perspective that Britain was a pawn in this too.
Then the "secret" part of the mission comes up. I see that if the negotiations were to go unfavorably he was prepared to assassinate the "royal powers" to create a weakness (and need to regroup) to temporarily disable Britain to give Germany an edge. [I see an image of a triangular shaped table, and this table looks like the support that is holding the war and keeping it alive- one leg is Britain, one leg is the US and one leg is rooted at a point on the map that is now called Israel. I get if one leg was disabled, then the table would fall.] Then I get that this was NOT an order from Hitler, but rather his own plan in the event he could not reach a negotiation.
Q. The Allied Powers in Berlin (Russia, France, Britain and the U.S.) had said that he would be released if he had confessed or otherwise given them the information that they wanted. Apparently, there was at least one time that 3 of the powers agreed and Russia (USSR) denied. Then, supposedly; the USSR finally agreed to release him and Britain reneged. Eventually Hess committed suicide by hanging himself. What was so precious that he kept so many secrets confidential to himself, 42 years after the war was over ?
A. As I stated above, the entire visit to Britain with plans of a talk, and a back-up plan of being an assassin was the secret. I get he was a man of his word (viewed very honorably) and refused to go against his word or his country. He was determined to reach a favorable outcome regardless of what he had to do. As I said above, the alternate plan was not a directive from Hitler, and revealing this plan (that never came to fruition) would not help his country or cause- it would just ad more fuel to this already burning fire.
More on Hitler...
[As a side note, when I do my raw reading I just type what comes to me and then I proof read my post to make sure my thoughts connect. Upon re-reading this I realize this is very sensitive to some people, so please keep that in mind if you chose to go forward. The goal is to share knowledge and not upset people...]
Just another set of questions on Hitler. That previous Hitler reading was so eye-opening and enlightening that it would help to learn even more about Hitler.
Q. Why did Hitler want to implement a barter economic system? What made him want to choose that economic system?
A. He could see how the current usury system was failing his people. Money became over inflated, and people couldn't get out of debt. I see someone taking a wheelbarrow full of money to the store to buy a loaf of bread. It came to Hitler that if people bartered for services and did straight dealings between each other, they had more pride in their work and also eliminated the need for a "middle man" that just took their money but didn't provide a real service. Paying high interest rates on over inflated money was hurting the economy, but once that system was disrupted and reset to something else, the Germans thrived.

Q. Did Hitler really have a deep hatred of the Jews as the mainstream history books portray?
A. He didn't hate people for being Jewish, but he hated the Jewish "Powers that Be" that were coming into Germany and spreading materialism. Hitler could see this system unfolding were materialism was being introduced (both products and services), and the Germans were buying into it, which led to more debt that ultimately let to the Jewish "Powers" that ran the banks getting rich off the interest being paid.
I see Hitler as very old fashioned- He believed in family above all. He didn't like to see women behaving in unrespectable ways or men not being good fathers. When the materialism was introduced into the country (and sex and porn became part of it), he was not going to allow it. That was the final straw that made him tell the "powers" that the behavior was stopping or they were leaving. They could live that lifestyle and influence people, but they weren't going to influence his people.
I see when these "powers" left they spun the story and took their Jewish followers with them. They weren't killed under Hitler's command, but they were told they had to get out because his people weren't going to be corrupted.
Q. So, Nazi Germany did not attack the Soviet Union first and Soviet Union did actually attack first. How did this information got lost? How did it get accepted into history books that Nazi Germany attacked first and started World War II?
A. I get it is because the "winners" write the history. When the war was over I see that all the school books were taken, and "new" information was released to be taught to the kids. It was made illegal to talk about the "true" events from any perspective other than Hitler being bad. I see that the truth was passed on, but I hear it had to be done with "whispers."
Q. Basically in general, how did the World War II atrocities blames got switched on Germans from Soviets without many people noticing it and calling it out? Like the work and death camps, etc.
A. The media is controlled, and unless you were there you didn't really "know." All information that was passed on was second hand information.. The truth was passed on, but it had to be done quietly. The powers also knew that if they didn't demonize Hitler other countries may consider going to a barter system too which would really hit the purse of the Jewish "powers" so they had to destroy what Hitler built to prevent that from happening again.
I then hear that when Hitler rebelled against the usury and materialism system and told the Jewish "powers" to leave, it was like Hitler gave them a basket of lemons. The Jewish "powers" then took that basket of lemons and created lemonade. They used this event to create a "protection" over their group with favorable effects being shown now (such as Jewish families still receiving money from Germany). I hear that between this "protection" and control of the media, they have made themselves untouchable (at least in their minds). Then I get no where is history is a group so protected, even the slaves that were treated horrifically don't have that type of protection..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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