Q. Are we supposed to eat vegan? I personally study nutrition and although I think it's gross to eat animals, I do believe that nutritionally we are supposed to eat animals but I was wanting to know for sure.
A. I hear that by design we are meant to eat meat (that is why we have "canine" teeth), but with a balanced diet (and supplements) it isn't necessary. If we were to live in much earlier times, we would depend on the consumption of meat for survival, and it would be an important part of your diet. In our more modern times we question it because we can..
[I have mentioned this before, but whether it is plants or animals, you should always show gratitude for your food that you are taking into your body for nourishment).
Q. A lot of people are buying vitamins and minerals online but are the modern systems of mail irradiation and x-rays killing the properties of what you're ordering? If so, by what percent and what do you see as the best methods of shipping we can request from a company?A. I hear that by design we are meant to eat meat (that is why we have "canine" teeth), but with a balanced diet (and supplements) it isn't necessary. If we were to live in much earlier times, we would depend on the consumption of meat for survival, and it would be an important part of your diet. In our more modern times we question it because we can..
[I have mentioned this before, but whether it is plants or animals, you should always show gratitude for your food that you are taking into your body for nourishment).
A. I keep seeing the image of a space blanket, and get that if there were some kind of foil or metallic lining in the package your supplements would be kept better. They may lose some life (around 15%), but retain much of their natural properties.

Ideally you would consume the majority of your nutrition by the foods you eat. I see the natural process of eating and absorbing the nutrition is more effective than the supplements because of the coating. (Research your company and see how easily their products are broken down in the body versus being passed through).
Q. What's your take on tofu? Does it interfere with thyroid and hormones or is good? Does it replace other forms of protein.
A. Tofu has good effects, but can be overdone too. It serves as a great source of protein (I get it really boosts the health of hair, skin and nails). It can be used to replace many forms of protein needs, but shouldn't be the only source of protein. I keep seeing this highly waxy component in it that makes it look like it holds on to toxins and doesn't allow the body to excrete the toxins as easily (creating a build up). I get that anyone trying to detox should stop eating tofu during the detox period.
Q. What do you feel and read on surrogacy? Would it be ideal for a career woman as an option. What is the implication on the baby's soul, spirituality, feelings towards his or her real mother, if any?
A. This is really an individual situation, dynamic, and more importantly the intent. Is it based on love and helping a person, or based on money with little emotional involvement? There are many different situations, and all have different outcomes.
Q. Lynn, is there any way you can rid your body of vaccines?
A. I get that with time they have this "half life effect." They fade in intensity, but always remain to some degree (just like an immunity buildup after an illness).
Q. Infertility, why is it always people that really want kids or is good people in general can't have or have problems conceiving but the ones who shouldn't be even allowed to own a pet have tons of them or its so easy for them to get pregnant?
A. I see that all kinds of people have trouble having kids and it isn't "assigned" to one group. The reason it feels as though the focused ones are having trouble is because less responsible people don't talk about, think or even focus on it (and it doesn't seem like an issue that our subconscious registers).
I also get that when someone is trying to get pregnant, you are very sensitive to your surroundings (everywhere you look there is a pregnant person, baby, sign, commercial, etc..) so it brings those thoughts and feelings outward. It works like the Law of Attraction in that you notice what you focus and think on..

Q. Is distilled water good for the human body?
A. I get it isn't harmful, but it doesn't have any added nutritional value in it aside from hydration. I get this image of the life force (the living energy tied to water) being striped from it during the process of distilling.
Q. Scientifically, how does homeopathy work? Specifically, potencies exceeding Avogadro's number. Does the vibration of the medicine cancel out the vibration of the matching dis-ease, thus eliminating it? How does it cure?
A. Depending on the element I see it working a couple different ways depending on what you are using and what you are trying to treat. What you described is true for some cures- you are putting a specific vibration into your body to "cancel" out the thing this is causing you trouble. It is like two elements with competing vibrations cancel each other resulting in no vibration (or an altered one that isn't harmful).
The other way I see them working is by introducing a small amount of the vibration into your body so your body builds a natural immunity to it. Once the immunity is built, you can stop the homeopathic treatment. Your own tolerance kicks in.
Q. I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this but, I was reading through old blog posts of yours and on 2 April 2013 someone asked about using artificial devices to stimulate the brain to increase intuitiveness. "I see a picture of a device, and it looks like a TENS machine, and they are putting a pad on the left side and a pad on the right side and stimulating current that way..." Do those TENS machines work? Are you aware of any that produce results? I meditate daily but my results are inconsistent. I see visions but rarely hear anything or get answers to questions. I wonder if anything on the market can 'boost' me up a bit.

The best way to go natural about it is to first detox as much as possible.... Drink water, eliminate fluoride and artificial sweeteners. Try to eat healthy and get sunlight.. That alone will help to detox you and center your body.. Then incorporate things into your meditation such as crystals (I see clear crystal quartz) and various musical tones (I get drums work well for this, but it is really up to the individual).
Q. A question about eyes problems like myopia, farsighted, etc... Are these a real problem or a manufactured one with the eyeglasses and contact lenses?
Some talk about a simple exercise, which consists of taking 3 targets in an open area, One at 1~3m(3~9ft), second around 10~15m(30~50ft) and the third at 30m[100ft). Focus 5 seconds on a target, close your eyes move to your next target and so on. Repeat 3 times each day. Do you see an improvement by this practice? Of course, do you see other ways to treat this? ( methods, plants, electronic device, liquids, etc.) As always, thanks for your precious time!
A. I get this really depends on the person and what is causing the issue. If the muscles are weak, the exercise you describe can help to strengthen the eye and help with the problem. I also see that once the muscles reach a certain point (or there is damage due to another reason), they really can't be naturally corrected without assistance (ie eyeglasses).
It is also important to know that the eyes, like other parts of the body, need treated right (exercise and nutrition). I also see a liquid fish oil (omega3 oil) and the base of orange vegetables (I see squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and carrots) being healthy items to consume to help with vision (and keep the eyes healthy).
Q. Can you take a look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azv_02cPcVs Is muscle testing an accurate way to gain insight? Can it help us choose the right path to go on?
A. I get that for some people this may work, and for others it may not be an accurate way to assess your inner thoughts. I approached this test in two ways- one in which I set the intent that it WOULD work, and it did. The muscle testing was accurate.
I then approached it from a different way, stating that it would not work and was bogus, and it did not work. For it to be effective the person doing the test must believe in it. If you believe, you will achieve the results that you look for and this can be effective. It really begins with the mental mindset of the person doing it, and the intent behind it.
Q. Hi Lynn, do you see a natural treatment for keloids (particularly ears)?
A. I get lavender essential oil (a few drops) mixed with coconut oil and applied a few times a day will help to break the scaring down. You can also add a drop of frankincense to your mixture ("when in doubt, frank it out") to boost the effects even more.
Q. What is the best way to make a natural water filter using materials found outdoors or from a store?
The most common way is to use varying types of gravel, sand and last layer of charcoal. What about additives. I mean maybe you can use a crystal that is beneficial to the water, or use some oregano for bacteria. For example... What about the facts and fictions about alkaline water.
A. The first thing I got was to start your filtering process with a cheesecloth or coffee filter to get the larger particulates out (and preserve the rest of your filtering process). Gravel, sand and charcoal does look the way to go. Putting crystals in your water and letting the water sit out overnight in the moonlight looks to "charge" the water or give it some kind of life that causes a positive result. I get adding a lemon essential oil is sanitizing also, and cuts down on bacteria.. (You can use oregano, but I saw lemon oil).
As long as the water is naturally alkaline, I cannot see an issue with it. Our bodies are craving the alkaline state. Do what your gut tells you is right, and I am left with the thought that if someone is swaying you against alkaline water, what are they selling or who do the represent (?). Reducing acid rids many people of many ailments..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light,
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