Prince William and Kate's Baby
Q. Hello: I'm not sure how to ask this question officially - but is there anything going on with the birth of the new princess (William and Kate's new baby girl?) Is it just me, or does she look older than just a few hours old as quoted in the photos???? A few sites are saying she was born earlier, but her birthdate changed to suit some Illuminati motive. But that aside, she strikes me as being older than just a few hours. To further my query it's even reported in my mainstream news feed that some Russian women are saying that she was not only born 3 days earlier, but was delivered by a surrogate and Kate was not pregnant at all.
A. When I tune into this I do get an element of fertility assistance, but it wasn't a surrogate being used. I get she really was pregnant, but she got pregnant with fertility treatments because (in both her pregnancies) they wanted to make sure they had the desired sex, and that the baby was healthy. To be clear, Kate is healthy and fertile, but they wanted to control the outcome of the pregnancy so they used a process of genetic engineering of William's sperm and Kate's egg to have the optimum success..
Regarding the age, I do get the baby is just slightly older than they are admitting. The reasoning is based around some kind of new moon / full moon cycle (and I want to say April). The date pre-chosen by the "powers" has to do with power and strength. I also get she was told to wear a "fake belly" to hide the true date (like the baby came too soon??). The "powers" wanted this baby induced and tied to a date in May, but she went into labor before then. The "powers" aren't hiding the date, but rather the prince and princess are in order to earn approval from a higher force (the Queen or even higher?).
Regardless of everything, please keep in mind they brought a beautiful life into the world. Focus on her being good and helping people. It only takes one person to ascend in order to move many people. (And she is close to the source of many things...)
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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