Wednesday, April 29, 2015
When Going the Extra Mile Have A Milestone In Sight
When we travel long distances on a highway or hike along a favorite route we will have specific points where we pull over to rest. That rest is for rejuvenation so that we can continue on and complete our destination. When doing charitable deeds for others, or going the "extra mile", we might also need to rest to refresh our inner inner life. The expression "the extra mile" refers to acts of service for others that go beyond what is required or expected. The expression probably comes from...
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Karen Hudes and The Vatican... What is going on there?
Q. Will you do a reading on 'Ms. Karen Hudes', former World Bank Attorney and whistleblower. It appears she has worked tirelessly and passionately exposing and informing. She's a force in uniting the international community from diverse key positions to work for humanity together. There are endless interview videos of her and she has her own website showing all her communications over the decade or longer. She knows the laws and history of the banks and Vatican. I've never seen anyone bring her up here before.
A. I see Karen Hudes as a woman that was very intelligent, but was very unaware of how the world worked until she became involved with the World Bank (was more like a follower than a leader). Once she became affiliated and started really "see" the operation, it started to become clear just how interwoven and how connected these groups were. It was as if a few controlled the many, but the "many" were so convoluted it was difficult to trace them back to the "few" (and by few I mean the Powers That Be). Being on the inside gave her the perspective of just how few main groups there were- These "few" were intentionally hiding in plain sight.
[I really do have to take a minute and tune into her connection with the Vatican...] I get that one of the controlling groups can be traced back to the Vatican. I get that much of the Vatican is viewed as sacred, and that feelings is tied to location, people and their faith. There is a feeling of "being chosen" or "guided by light" tied to this place. Not everyone shares in these elevated feelings, but the "powers" to this place do. This feeling of superiority that the "powers" are trying to enhance also lend to control by fear.
I hear something about the Vatican being lined with gold. It is as if people have paid high prices for both protection and communication with a higher power (and it feels like in a forced, almost extorted, way). I ask- Protection from and communication with what? I get an other worldly race... and I want to say ETs. I also get these ETs aren't here to hurt us (they feel neutral), but their existence and communication with the Vatican is a powerful thing (makes them feel like a powerful thing) I also get there is some kind of portal that exists near (or in) the Vatican in which these ETs travel. (And Karen is aware of this, and the manipulation the Vatican uses because of this).
The images stopped there... if there are further comments or questions to push me further I am happy to address them and do a follow-up to this reading...It feels like there is so much more, but it just stopped flowing... Thank you.
Beltane On The Beach: An Enduring Maine Tradition
Growing up in the midwest, with the nearest beach 1000 miles away in the closest direction, I had a very narrow concept of what a beach was like. Warm, sunny, sandy boundaries between surf & city, beautiful people in sparse swimsuits, with the entertainment capital of the world a stone’s throw away, dominated my mind [Read More...]
Monday, April 27, 2015
Follow-Up to Operation Jade Helm Reading and Questions on Martial Law
Q. Hi Lynn, I listened to your blogtalk show recently about Jade Helm. I was wondering if you could tell if there are areas that would become more problematic? I live in South central New Mexico about 85 miles from EL Paso. Do you think things will remain pretty quiet around here (Alamogordo/Ruidoso area ) or be disruptive? As I have thought about relocating? Thank you for your time. Blessings!

On the inverse, California feels the most passive with regard to allowing troops to move about and following orders (if need be).
I do, however, see the southern most borders of New Mexico and Arizona and California as being heavily guarded (as if to protect against illegal immigration while this is going on- treating illegals as refugees.). I see the borders being very tightly locked down both going in and out of the country.
Q. Why does the government want to enact Martial Law and what exactly would they gain from doing so?
A. As I pose this question I get it is like a fire drill. They are "pulling the alarm" to see what happens. Who will resist, who will follow, and who do they have to placate. They gain knowledge... The last thing the US wants to do is instigate a war somewhere else, fight off other countries and then have an uprising occur on its' own soil. There isn't enough time, people and other resources to fend off others and fight an internal revolution at the same time.
Q. I read your posting this morning re: Jade Helm, and it made me wonder if the whole Jade Helm operation is the U. S. government getting set for a flood of people coming from California and Mexico because of the drought. I know you did a reading on the people of California vs. the drought and did not see massive numbers of them moving east to find water. However, I recently read that Mexico is having a drought in its western areas that is as bad, or worse, than the one in California and the other western states. There are apparently 40 million people affected by the drought in Mexico. That is the size of the population in California. I wonder if the U. S. government is anticipating a mass exodus from the drought areas in Mexico that will wind up with tons of people coming across the border, plus the people of California leaving their homes in southern California.
A. As I tuned into the previous question I did see the border to Mexico being very solid during this "exercise." People of Mexico are fleeing to the US now more than ever. Water is only one of the many reasons, they want a better (and secure life). I also saw illegal immigrants being treated as refugees of war as they are caught. I hear something about them being put into POW camps- after so many arrive they are sent back to Mexico to some kind of detainee or detention center before being freed back into their country.. (?).
I can't get a visual on a mass movement from the east coast of California inland, but I see high prices driving up the cost of water. I also see plans for some kind of costly infrastructure being formed to "pipe" in water from somewhere else (like a mountain top). Then I get the "powers that be" created this problem (first Fukushima, then a man made drought to prevent radiation from being saturated into the ground) and then create the solution. Some people will leave (but it doesn't look like in waves, more like gradual relocation) due to the high cost of utilities (specifically water).
And that is all I have for this reading. Please remember not to live and feed into the fear. Treat knowledge as empowerment, and a way to make educated decisions. Nothing more, nothing less- put your intent out there that you are safe and protected, and you will be. Love and light-
Previous readings on California drought: and
Previous readings on Operation Jade Helm: and
A. As I pose this question I get it is like a fire drill. They are "pulling the alarm" to see what happens. Who will resist, who will follow, and who do they have to placate. They gain knowledge... The last thing the US wants to do is instigate a war somewhere else, fight off other countries and then have an uprising occur on its' own soil. There isn't enough time, people and other resources to fend off others and fight an internal revolution at the same time.
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Evolution of California's Drought 7/31/14 |
Q. I read your posting this morning re: Jade Helm, and it made me wonder if the whole Jade Helm operation is the U. S. government getting set for a flood of people coming from California and Mexico because of the drought. I know you did a reading on the people of California vs. the drought and did not see massive numbers of them moving east to find water. However, I recently read that Mexico is having a drought in its western areas that is as bad, or worse, than the one in California and the other western states. There are apparently 40 million people affected by the drought in Mexico. That is the size of the population in California. I wonder if the U. S. government is anticipating a mass exodus from the drought areas in Mexico that will wind up with tons of people coming across the border, plus the people of California leaving their homes in southern California.
A. As I tuned into the previous question I did see the border to Mexico being very solid during this "exercise." People of Mexico are fleeing to the US now more than ever. Water is only one of the many reasons, they want a better (and secure life). I also saw illegal immigrants being treated as refugees of war as they are caught. I hear something about them being put into POW camps- after so many arrive they are sent back to Mexico to some kind of detainee or detention center before being freed back into their country.. (?).
I can't get a visual on a mass movement from the east coast of California inland, but I see high prices driving up the cost of water. I also see plans for some kind of costly infrastructure being formed to "pipe" in water from somewhere else (like a mountain top). Then I get the "powers that be" created this problem (first Fukushima, then a man made drought to prevent radiation from being saturated into the ground) and then create the solution. Some people will leave (but it doesn't look like in waves, more like gradual relocation) due to the high cost of utilities (specifically water).
And that is all I have for this reading. Please remember not to live and feed into the fear. Treat knowledge as empowerment, and a way to make educated decisions. Nothing more, nothing less- put your intent out there that you are safe and protected, and you will be. Love and light-
Previous readings on California drought: and
Previous readings on Operation Jade Helm: and
Friday, April 24, 2015
Five Photos for Friday #8
by Lynn & A Man Called Da-da
Hi all, and welcome to Five for Friday #8.
Image #1: Death Valley Rock Mystery
Backstory: What causes these rocks in Death Valley, CA, to move?
What Lynn Saw

Image #2: U.S. Capitol Beam
Backstory: So, real or fake? This pic looks like a UFO firing on the US Capitol building. If real, is this a transport beam? Who or what are they beaming?
What Lynn Saw
Image #3: What Did the Knights Templar Find Under Solomon's Temple?

What Lynn Saw

Image #4: Mothman on the Bridge

What Lynn Saw
Image #5: The Marfa Lights
Backstory: The famous Marfa Lights of Marfa, Texas... which look like orbs in this pic. What are they?
What Lynn Saw
"I get that these are positive ETs, celestials drawn to that spot. It feels good, it feels protective and healthy. These orbs are the energetic form of the ETs leaving their physical bodies and appearing on earth. They are protecting the people (and trying desperately to connect to the subconscious layer of earth). I want to use the term Pleiades when I think of them -- something feels magical about it (in a good way)."
Darn, that's the end. Da-da could do this all day. Join us Friday after next for episode #9!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Why Did Wal-Mart Close Their Stores...?
Q. Lynn, can you please look into what is going on with Wal-Mart and the stores they have closed on short notice for six months to work on "plumbing issues?" What is really going on? Is this part of Jade Helm or something else? What are they hiding?
A. As soon as I tune into this I get an image of the inside of a Walmart- only it looks like a warehouse rather than a store. Things are on metal shelving that resemble scaffolding (much like that of a Sam's Club or a Costco big box store). Supplies are in boxes, and nothing is set up- seems like a distribution center more than a store. I do see this as being tied to Operation Jade Helm...
I then realize that these are both military and FEMA camp supplies on the shelving. Things are in brown boxes with numbers spray painted on them- like an inventory coding so someone can't come in and just take things without having the difficult time of opening up boxes to see what is in them.

I am trying to determine if these buildings are set up to house people, and I just see supplies. I also get that they will use Wal-Mart semi trucks to transport goods from location to location rather then military trucks. Regarding people, I see other structures being set up to house the people- they look "tent like" (the image I see is a circus tent with a chain-link fence around it). I also get that more permanent structures will be built as needed, but since this is to happen during the summer, these tents will work for their purpose. I then hear that if there is a FEMA drill and people see tents, the less permanent "feel" will make the people believe (and trust) it really is a drill - there is some psychology involved in this..
Q. What about the rumor that the stores closed due to the threat of a labor union?
A. I get that (the labor union story) is the favorable theory they are hoping will stick. Most people are too aware and realize that plumbing is not the real issue. There are rumors that the closing is tied to the threat of a union being imposed.. The union threat is real, but that is not the real reason for the closing. I see the government actually leaked the union being the cause (got the rumor going) when the plumbing story didn't stick because that was a more ideal story than to admit what they are using the stores for during Operation Jade Helm. I also get that as things progress and people start to "chatter" about the real reason these Wal-Marts closed, the media will stir in the idea of the union issue to distract from the military objectives.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Link to previous reading on Operation Jade Helm:
A. As soon as I tune into this I get an image of the inside of a Walmart- only it looks like a warehouse rather than a store. Things are on metal shelving that resemble scaffolding (much like that of a Sam's Club or a Costco big box store). Supplies are in boxes, and nothing is set up- seems like a distribution center more than a store. I do see this as being tied to Operation Jade Helm...
I then realize that these are both military and FEMA camp supplies on the shelving. Things are in brown boxes with numbers spray painted on them- like an inventory coding so someone can't come in and just take things without having the difficult time of opening up boxes to see what is in them.

I am trying to determine if these buildings are set up to house people, and I just see supplies. I also get that they will use Wal-Mart semi trucks to transport goods from location to location rather then military trucks. Regarding people, I see other structures being set up to house the people- they look "tent like" (the image I see is a circus tent with a chain-link fence around it). I also get that more permanent structures will be built as needed, but since this is to happen during the summer, these tents will work for their purpose. I then hear that if there is a FEMA drill and people see tents, the less permanent "feel" will make the people believe (and trust) it really is a drill - there is some psychology involved in this..
Q. What about the rumor that the stores closed due to the threat of a labor union?
A. I get that (the labor union story) is the favorable theory they are hoping will stick. Most people are too aware and realize that plumbing is not the real issue. There are rumors that the closing is tied to the threat of a union being imposed.. The union threat is real, but that is not the real reason for the closing. I see the government actually leaked the union being the cause (got the rumor going) when the plumbing story didn't stick because that was a more ideal story than to admit what they are using the stores for during Operation Jade Helm. I also get that as things progress and people start to "chatter" about the real reason these Wal-Marts closed, the media will stir in the idea of the union issue to distract from the military objectives.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Link to previous reading on Operation Jade Helm:
Monday, April 20, 2015
Russia, Ukraine and Chinese Economy
Q. What are your thoughts on this article. Apparently Obama is sending tanks to the Ukraine?

When I tune in a little deeper it looks like a false flag is being set up, and at the moment it occurs Russia will be blamed. The US troops will be already aligned in the Ukraine (and also in key locations in the Midwest due to Operation Jade Helm) because as soon as the "blame game" starts Russia will want to attack (and the US and Ukraine need to be ready).
The US appears to be unsure if Russia attack the Ukraine, US or both first, so a defensive plan is being set up.
(Previous reading on Operation Jade Helm linked here.)
A. I see that both Russia and the US have the capability of SCALAR weaponry. I don't see it as being effective enough (or have the ability to control it well enough) to be able to use it in a tactical situation. I also get that the US would be willing to experiment with it, but they are unsure if it would "backfire" on them and end up disabling their own equipment. I also get that many tests have been done with it, and it works in a very unreliable way- as if they waves come out in a full radius (like an unpredictable bomb) versus a straight line or directional (which is the goal)...?

Q. Can you see what will happen to Moldova?
A. Moldova feels safe. I see troops and a lot of movement, but it doesn't have a hostile feel to it. I don't see war activity. Moldova feels far enough away that it won't get involved.
Q. Hi Lynn, JJ here. It seems to me that China is undergoing a major downturn economically... overabundance of property, too much debts/mortgages given out that maybe bad... Do you still see us investing in China currency (as you've read before) or will we need to pull out of our investments and businesses in that country? This must be good for the United States and other countries who don't rely much on China to keep it's exports and businesses sustained. More on the "China Crisis" here:
A. I see China being calculated in their business decisions. I am going into this question with the intent of seeing what the wealthy investors are doing. It looks like they are doing this tactic where they buy up what they can (especially over seas), pay the minimum payments (but consistently pay and have good credit) and are intentionally diversifying themselves very thin. The goal looks to be to have claim on a lot of properties. When the dollar fails, and the value of gold and gold backed currency kicks in (which they will control), they can easily pay their debt (because they will be in control of the money, and their money has a lot of value).. I don't see China being in a bad economic position.
And that's all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Chinese Myths
Q. Hi! I love reading your blog and comments! There are three Chinese myths / beliefs that I've been curious about:
Seven month ghost festival - the one month in the year when the gates of heaven and hell open and spirits wander the lower realms. Does this actually happen, is there any validity to this?
There is some validity to this. I see that hundreds of years ago this day was declared sacred because it celebrated a death and life of change. There was some kind of energetic rebirth that people of a higher spiritual state of being connected to. In celebration and respect of this "energetic shift" this time was reserved and celebrated yearly. It is celebrated on a specific day, however, I see the "energetic shift" as a floating event that occurs "around" the same time every year. There is some kind of planetary alignment or constellation present signifying the actual event.. People that are very spiritual see this death and rebirth as an opening to lower and higher vibrational beings until the cycle of rebirth is complete- they see and feel the energetic beings walking the earth until they move on to where they are better served..

A baby's first month is spiritually unclean (something to do with the spirit of the baby cementing during this time??)... Attending the celebration or eating food from the celebration can cause all sorts of bad luck to the person .
I see that they believe the soul and spirit are somewhat two different things. The soul gives you life and you are born with it, but the spirit (who you are, good or bad) is something that is ingrained in the baby during the first few weeks of life.
They feel that who ever the baby is around, or the energy around the baby can alter their spirit and make them good or bad. The reason it is considered "bad luck" to eat food there is because the energy presence is very critical, energies are heightened, and the possibility of an energy transfer (they feel) he highly likely. Beings that are like "energy vampires" are present (they think) at these festivities, and not just the food, but the festivity itself is viewed as negative (and makes a person vulnerable),
Wearing / carrying a pomegranate leaf can ward off harmful spirits, bad Luck and all things spiritually negative. Is there any truth to this? Does the pomegranate leaf have some sort of special vibrational frequency that does this?
Thank you!
Pomegranates and their leaves in general are versatile and helpful with different health ailments. This was known by ancient Chinese people that practiced medicine. I see in some situations the use of pomegranates and/or their leaves could even save a persons life. I see them feeling lucky (or thankful) to possess the leaves or the fruit because those items were viewed as a positive (and a valuable) thing to have. The positive traits of them caused them to be viewed as a "good luck" item. Then I get the analogy that pomegranates and their leaves are viewed how many people see a "lucky rabbit's foot" today.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Seven month ghost festival - the one month in the year when the gates of heaven and hell open and spirits wander the lower realms. Does this actually happen, is there any validity to this?
There is some validity to this. I see that hundreds of years ago this day was declared sacred because it celebrated a death and life of change. There was some kind of energetic rebirth that people of a higher spiritual state of being connected to. In celebration and respect of this "energetic shift" this time was reserved and celebrated yearly. It is celebrated on a specific day, however, I see the "energetic shift" as a floating event that occurs "around" the same time every year. There is some kind of planetary alignment or constellation present signifying the actual event.. People that are very spiritual see this death and rebirth as an opening to lower and higher vibrational beings until the cycle of rebirth is complete- they see and feel the energetic beings walking the earth until they move on to where they are better served..

A baby's first month is spiritually unclean (something to do with the spirit of the baby cementing during this time??)... Attending the celebration or eating food from the celebration can cause all sorts of bad luck to the person .
I see that they believe the soul and spirit are somewhat two different things. The soul gives you life and you are born with it, but the spirit (who you are, good or bad) is something that is ingrained in the baby during the first few weeks of life.
They feel that who ever the baby is around, or the energy around the baby can alter their spirit and make them good or bad. The reason it is considered "bad luck" to eat food there is because the energy presence is very critical, energies are heightened, and the possibility of an energy transfer (they feel) he highly likely. Beings that are like "energy vampires" are present (they think) at these festivities, and not just the food, but the festivity itself is viewed as negative (and makes a person vulnerable),
Wearing / carrying a pomegranate leaf can ward off harmful spirits, bad Luck and all things spiritually negative. Is there any truth to this? Does the pomegranate leaf have some sort of special vibrational frequency that does this?
Thank you!
Pomegranates and their leaves in general are versatile and helpful with different health ailments. This was known by ancient Chinese people that practiced medicine. I see in some situations the use of pomegranates and/or their leaves could even save a persons life. I see them feeling lucky (or thankful) to possess the leaves or the fruit because those items were viewed as a positive (and a valuable) thing to have. The positive traits of them caused them to be viewed as a "good luck" item. Then I get the analogy that pomegranates and their leaves are viewed how many people see a "lucky rabbit's foot" today.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Alternate Solar System and Sister Sun
Q. Hi Lynn, You've done previous readings, including a recent one, that mentions this other solar system that is merging with ours. Your latest mention said that it is now IN our solar system. Will there be a time that we can see the other planets and/or sun within this system from Earth? If so, when? I've had a couple dreams about seeing another sun in the sky so I've wondered how this is going to play out. Thank you!
A. I do see a time when we will be able to see it. I get on a clear day we would be able to see it now. If you were to look at the sun, I see an image in the 10 o'clock position that appears to be a very large, bright start. In reality it is the sun that is tied to the other system (and is also our sister sun). I don't see the sister sun ever appearing to be as large as our sun, it will remain a much smaller fraction of the size, but will be much larger than just a star. It will be obvious that it is something..
I also get that as it (the sister sun) approaches our sun, our sun is behaving a "strangely." I get that our sun has this strange glow around it that it never had. If you were to look at the sun, the glow around it looks larger due to the gravitational field interruption from the second sun. I see that is why it is difficult to look at the sun and see this sister sun without a filter.
The other planets will need to be viewed with a telescope (they won't be as obvious), but will be becoming more more visible.
Q. Hi Lynn, on Project Camelot there is a gentleman by the name of Bob Dunn, he has taken film of a large object near the Sun. He says this is the real thing and we will find out in May. Please what is your take on this. By the way my son took a photo of the recent eclipse and in the left hand corner close to the Sun there appeared to be an object illuminated by the Sun.
A. I do see this as true. I get that we can see it now (only with a filter), but the enlarged "glowing" ring around the sun makes it very difficult . As the sister sun breaks away from this "glowing" field and rotates further away, we will be able to see it with our naked eye. I see this happening more toward the end of May or early June.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
A. I do see a time when we will be able to see it. I get on a clear day we would be able to see it now. If you were to look at the sun, I see an image in the 10 o'clock position that appears to be a very large, bright start. In reality it is the sun that is tied to the other system (and is also our sister sun). I don't see the sister sun ever appearing to be as large as our sun, it will remain a much smaller fraction of the size, but will be much larger than just a star. It will be obvious that it is something..
I also get that as it (the sister sun) approaches our sun, our sun is behaving a "strangely." I get that our sun has this strange glow around it that it never had. If you were to look at the sun, the glow around it looks larger due to the gravitational field interruption from the second sun. I see that is why it is difficult to look at the sun and see this sister sun without a filter.

Q. Hi Lynn, on Project Camelot there is a gentleman by the name of Bob Dunn, he has taken film of a large object near the Sun. He says this is the real thing and we will find out in May. Please what is your take on this. By the way my son took a photo of the recent eclipse and in the left hand corner close to the Sun there appeared to be an object illuminated by the Sun.
A. I do see this as true. I get that we can see it now (only with a filter), but the enlarged "glowing" ring around the sun makes it very difficult . As the sister sun breaks away from this "glowing" field and rotates further away, we will be able to see it with our naked eye. I see this happening more toward the end of May or early June.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Monday, April 13, 2015
So THIS is Why 13-Year-Old Boys Read the Bible
My friend’s 13-year-old boy has been reading the The Brick Bible by Elbe Spurling (formerly Brendan Powell Smith). The Brick Bible is a collection of Old Testament stories illustrated entirely with LEGOs, and Spurling is a goddamn genius at breaking down the Bible into a graphic novel of sorts. The whole thing is highly accessible (using more modern language), completely [Read More...]
Friday, April 10, 2015
Five Photos for Friday #7
by Lynn & A Man Called Da-da
Hi all, and welcome to a relatively quick and startling Five for Friday #7. Can't believe we're at #7 already. Anyway, get ready. Every time Da-da does these with Lynn, he learns something amazing, if not mind-boggling. This instalment is no different.
Image #1: North Sea Viking Rock

What Lynn Saw
"I immediately got the images of Vikings. They used this as a landmark for navigation. It used to have a head or a face carved on the top. It's from 400-600 AD, and is located in the North Sea." [Bet that face is somewhere around there in about 7 meters of water.]
Image #2: The Wreck of the... WHAA?

What Lynn Saw
Image #3: I Saw Something Fairy in the Woodshed

What Lynn Saw
Image #4: The Game Rocks of Scotland
Backstory: These carved balls have been found all over Scotland. Are they from a game? Were they projectiles? Are they demonstrating some form of molecular theory? Or were they hidden Easter candy that kids failed to find and have turned to stone?
What Lynn Saw

Image #5: The Mars Monolith

What Lynn Saw
"These function as some kind of antenna. They serve for navigational purposes, to access various portals."
And that's it. Da-da's still reeling about the Titan... er, Olympic. Hopefully your version of the world is still intact. Join us Friday after next for episode #8!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
GoodETxSG, David Wilcock and the future "Event"
Q. Hi Lynn! First of all, thanks for your wonderful work! I was wondering if you could make a reading on GoodETxSG. This guy is an "insider" who had begun working with David Wilcock this year, but some friends of mine did a research on him and he seems to be releasing some intel on some forums for 2+ years. Now is leaking some info here: He has also created another website here:
A. [I did go to these websites and spent a few minutes "feeling" his energy before tuning into this reading.] As I connect to him, his messages for the most part resonate with me. I get that he has knowledge due to life experience, and also knowledge due to his spiritual connection with the "oneness." The words clairvoyance (he just sees things like a waking daydream) and claircognizance (he knows things) combined with his life experiences with ET life provides him with a lot of insight.
I see he relays his messages, but not with a purpose to instill fear, but rather spread truth and help people to realize truth leads to empowerment. With a level of increased consciousness, we can rise and at that moment join with a higher ET force. There is also the underlying message that there are ETs out there to help us, we just have to be open to their help and be willing to work with them is they are willing to put forth their effort. For us to regain earth we have to be willing to work toward freeing ourselves too, and freedom cannot be bestowed upon us. (Then I get that you can set up a country with democracy, but if the people don't want it and aren't willing to fight or put forth effort to maintain it, a true democracy will not be realized- Freedom from control of the cabal works the same way)
I see we are headed toward freedom from the cabal, but in order for us to accomplish that goal we must raise the overall consciousness and be worthy and accepting of these positive ET forces. I also get that we have a lot of work to do, but it is achievable. The cabal is scared and clinging on to what they can- spreading fear and trying to keep the vibrations lowered. But, the truth is we are slowly rejecting these lower vibrations (I see the power that be in a real panic and at points of desperation- I hear that false items are in place trying to keep us in this illusion. The illusion is that they are in control, but in reality we are, but we put false intimidation upon ourselves.) and the shift is happening now...
The split...
To further expand upon this, I see two splits happening with this shift. I have been asked about something referred to by many people as the "Event." I see as consciousness rises, and people evolve they will graduate into a higher dimension during their next incarnation. There is a divide in dimensions in which those that have elevated themselves will be able to experience life in a 4D or 5D experience during their next physical incarnation. They may choose to come back in the 3D world, but they are open to learning additional life lessons and grow through experience in a higher dimension. Until now the majority of people have been blocked from advancing by getting caught up in incarnation cycles, but by regaining our power, many opportunities open up- and the cycle can be broken.
Those that aren't capable or chose to reside in the lower vibrations will be stuck in the 3D loop. They won't be able to advance until they are capable of maintaining a consistent frequency.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I have also included links to previous David Wilcock readings:

I see he relays his messages, but not with a purpose to instill fear, but rather spread truth and help people to realize truth leads to empowerment. With a level of increased consciousness, we can rise and at that moment join with a higher ET force. There is also the underlying message that there are ETs out there to help us, we just have to be open to their help and be willing to work with them is they are willing to put forth their effort. For us to regain earth we have to be willing to work toward freeing ourselves too, and freedom cannot be bestowed upon us. (Then I get that you can set up a country with democracy, but if the people don't want it and aren't willing to fight or put forth effort to maintain it, a true democracy will not be realized- Freedom from control of the cabal works the same way)
I see we are headed toward freedom from the cabal, but in order for us to accomplish that goal we must raise the overall consciousness and be worthy and accepting of these positive ET forces. I also get that we have a lot of work to do, but it is achievable. The cabal is scared and clinging on to what they can- spreading fear and trying to keep the vibrations lowered. But, the truth is we are slowly rejecting these lower vibrations (I see the power that be in a real panic and at points of desperation- I hear that false items are in place trying to keep us in this illusion. The illusion is that they are in control, but in reality we are, but we put false intimidation upon ourselves.) and the shift is happening now...
The split...
To further expand upon this, I see two splits happening with this shift. I have been asked about something referred to by many people as the "Event." I see as consciousness rises, and people evolve they will graduate into a higher dimension during their next incarnation. There is a divide in dimensions in which those that have elevated themselves will be able to experience life in a 4D or 5D experience during their next physical incarnation. They may choose to come back in the 3D world, but they are open to learning additional life lessons and grow through experience in a higher dimension. Until now the majority of people have been blocked from advancing by getting caught up in incarnation cycles, but by regaining our power, many opportunities open up- and the cycle can be broken.
Those that aren't capable or chose to reside in the lower vibrations will be stuck in the 3D loop. They won't be able to advance until they are capable of maintaining a consistent frequency.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I have also included links to previous David Wilcock readings:
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Questions on Karma
Q. Lynn, Is Karma a natural or universal law?
A. When i tune into this, I get that it is both. Karma in general is about balance. I get that in nature (civilized, uncivilized, plant, animal, living, non-living, etc) things crave balance, and without balance they cannot sustain. Then I ask myself how that is balance if something dies (or can't sustain)? and I get that because a new type of balance starts in which something dies, but out of that something is born. The environment has to look beyond specific elements to see the greater picture in order to fully grasp that all things, large or small, seek out a balance. I was then shown that sometimes things must die (I see plants die), but from that a new type of plant is born (looks like a cactus)- life and death as well as change are all in the need to seek out balance. I also get that things ever change, and balanced has to be worked at and isn't absolute or given..
Regarding the universal perspective- I see this tied more toward the spiritual perspective. This deals with balance associated to life paths and lessons we need to learn. This deals with balancing and shifting higher vibrational energy with lower vibrations. This is still balance, but from a more spiritual sense versus the physical focus of natural law.
Q. Hi Lynn, Could you please look at the past life karmic cause of these groups of people: Deaf and dumb people, Down syndrome, and Autism
A. Everyone is on their own unique journey, so you cannot really lump it into a specific summary (I would need to read specific people), but in general things I get that these conditions could be tied to link to previous lives: they could have been very dominate and loud, and now it is time for them to use other senses (such as observation or more tactile skills), they may have had empathy for challenged people and wanted to experience life through that perspective, they may have been impatient or judgmental and now are forced to slow down and view life differently, they may carry a past life trauma that you were unable to release prior to this incarnation- there are many ways that people come into the world with different advantages or disadvantages. We are all here to learn and grown through experience and take away what we can.

Q. What are the karmic effects for people who slaughter pigs, chickens and cows on a daily basis?
A. It really depends on their intent. If someone has shown the animal respect, gratitude and takes the animal's life in order to nourish themselves or their families- the universe understands that- it is part of a natural life cycle.
If someone takes the life maliciously, is wasteful and is disrespectful, this omits a negative vibration (that intent and the feelings behind it are of a very low frequency). What you put out, you will receive in this life time or a future one. I see karma working out balance in both obvious and indirect ways in dealing with that situation. (For example, I see the person may come back a pig, or the person may come back incarnated into a third world country and spend many days hungry, or maybe in this life they develop an illness that inhibits they way they eat).
I must say that whether you eat meat, are a vegetarian or vegan- have gratitude and thanks for your food. Most everything we consume once had life force running through it and holds a certain amount of energy. Showing gratitude not only thanks the food that is about to nourish your body, but it dissipates the trauma tied to the killing or processing of the food. This isn't just unique to animals/meat either- as I type this I see an angry man chopping down bananas- some of his energy stays with the bananas, but can easily be lifted by having some thanks.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Regarding the universal perspective- I see this tied more toward the spiritual perspective. This deals with balance associated to life paths and lessons we need to learn. This deals with balancing and shifting higher vibrational energy with lower vibrations. This is still balance, but from a more spiritual sense versus the physical focus of natural law.
Q. Hi Lynn, Could you please look at the past life karmic cause of these groups of people: Deaf and dumb people, Down syndrome, and Autism
A. Everyone is on their own unique journey, so you cannot really lump it into a specific summary (I would need to read specific people), but in general things I get that these conditions could be tied to link to previous lives: they could have been very dominate and loud, and now it is time for them to use other senses (such as observation or more tactile skills), they may have had empathy for challenged people and wanted to experience life through that perspective, they may have been impatient or judgmental and now are forced to slow down and view life differently, they may carry a past life trauma that you were unable to release prior to this incarnation- there are many ways that people come into the world with different advantages or disadvantages. We are all here to learn and grown through experience and take away what we can.

Q. What are the karmic effects for people who slaughter pigs, chickens and cows on a daily basis?
A. It really depends on their intent. If someone has shown the animal respect, gratitude and takes the animal's life in order to nourish themselves or their families- the universe understands that- it is part of a natural life cycle.
If someone takes the life maliciously, is wasteful and is disrespectful, this omits a negative vibration (that intent and the feelings behind it are of a very low frequency). What you put out, you will receive in this life time or a future one. I see karma working out balance in both obvious and indirect ways in dealing with that situation. (For example, I see the person may come back a pig, or the person may come back incarnated into a third world country and spend many days hungry, or maybe in this life they develop an illness that inhibits they way they eat).
I must say that whether you eat meat, are a vegetarian or vegan- have gratitude and thanks for your food. Most everything we consume once had life force running through it and holds a certain amount of energy. Showing gratitude not only thanks the food that is about to nourish your body, but it dissipates the trauma tied to the killing or processing of the food. This isn't just unique to animals/meat either- as I type this I see an angry man chopping down bananas- some of his energy stays with the bananas, but can easily be lifted by having some thanks.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Small Revolutions in Urban Reclamation
It’s a system that has died, been reborn, is on life support and is completely managed by man, so what am I finding?
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