A. As soon as I tune into this I get an image of the inside of a Walmart- only it looks like a warehouse rather than a store. Things are on metal shelving that resemble scaffolding (much like that of a Sam's Club or a Costco big box store). Supplies are in boxes, and nothing is set up- seems like a distribution center more than a store. I do see this as being tied to Operation Jade Helm...
I then realize that these are both military and FEMA camp supplies on the shelving. Things are in brown boxes with numbers spray painted on them- like an inventory coding so someone can't come in and just take things without having the difficult time of opening up boxes to see what is in them.

I am trying to determine if these buildings are set up to house people, and I just see supplies. I also get that they will use Wal-Mart semi trucks to transport goods from location to location rather then military trucks. Regarding people, I see other structures being set up to house the people- they look "tent like" (the image I see is a circus tent with a chain-link fence around it). I also get that more permanent structures will be built as needed, but since this is to happen during the summer, these tents will work for their purpose. I then hear that if there is a FEMA drill and people see tents, the less permanent "feel" will make the people believe (and trust) it really is a drill - there is some psychology involved in this..
Q. What about the rumor that the stores closed due to the threat of a labor union?
A. I get that (the labor union story) is the favorable theory they are hoping will stick. Most people are too aware and realize that plumbing is not the real issue. There are rumors that the closing is tied to the threat of a union being imposed.. The union threat is real, but that is not the real reason for the closing. I see the government actually leaked the union being the cause (got the rumor going) when the plumbing story didn't stick because that was a more ideal story than to admit what they are using the stores for during Operation Jade Helm. I also get that as things progress and people start to "chatter" about the real reason these Wal-Marts closed, the media will stir in the idea of the union issue to distract from the military objectives.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Link to previous reading on Operation Jade Helm: http://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2015/04/operation-jade-helm.html
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