Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dr. Bradstreet's Mysterious Suicide

Q. When you have time, would you please read this report from "Russian Intelligence" and post your thoughts? As a mom who likes to keep up on the pro/cons of vaccines (and that you have suggested we avoid vaccines in relation to Jade Helm, if I recall correctly), I was concerned when I read about Dr. Bradstreet's suicide and how the relatives have set up a GoFundMe account (as well as his office being raided, and then he committed suicide immediately afterward-maybe he knew too much?) to find out the truth of his death. (Absolutely no one who knew him believes he would have taken his life.) http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1882.htm
Thank you so much!
A. I first get an image of a man and he is reading, writing, basically taking very detailed notes. My impression is that he started to read up on the topic of vaccines, how they interact with your body and also long term effects from an educational standpoint. That initial research led him down the path of the adverse effects of vaccines. Once he was led down that path, I see some kind of obsession with it. Like he learned something new, and couldn't stop. I also see many sleepless nights tied to it (he looks to be just tossing and turning). It looks like he stumbled upon a truth that he didn't want to believe because it felt so disturbing, but yet had to believe it.

He realized there is more to vaccines than what we are told. They (meaning vaccines) were intended for the greater good, but there are a lot of things to consider that we aren't being told. Then I hear the phrase that "they are willing to sacrifice the few to protect the many." I understand this to mean that most people do not have an adverse reaction to vaccines and the chemicals put in them, and the government would rather have a larger slice of the population protected against things such as measles than to relay the truth of the outcomes that can happen resulting in reactions to the drugs (ie the vaccines).

I get that Dr. Bradstreet understood all of this. He researched it thoroughly. I also get he was wanting to publish something in regards to this, and he was respected enough that people would listen, and the government wanted it shut down before he could do "any more damage." I get he was confronted and told to stop, and Dr. Bradstreet refused, which ultimately got him killed.

Q. Why is the government just be honest and allow people to make their own choices regarding vaccines?
A. I then get again, "they are willing to sacrifice a few to save the many." I also get that if they truth came out many people would elect not to get vaccines. The government also doesn't want the liability, nor do pharmaceutical companies, therefore, they keep it quiet.

Q. Who really killed Dr. Bradstreet?
A. I get that somehow his research went through [or to] the CDC, which was forwarded on to someone else... That someone else flagged down a group (I want to say CIA) which hired a hit team to "convince" Dr. Bradstreet to stop. When he refused, there was type of scuffle, and ultimately he got shot at very close range. It was set up to look like a suicide.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. It is 8:17 AM. Love and light- Link to Live Reading

Canada C-51 Bill

Q. Bill C-51 just passed in Canada. We get the feeling it's kind of like Canada's version of the Patriot Act but is it? Do you see major changes in people's daily lives because of it or life going on as usual? What do you think the main reason for it being passed is?
A. When I first tune into this I see Canada looking to other countries and wanting help and guidance. Canada looks to be independent, but also unsure because of all the unrest in the world, worries of global economic shifts and fights over natural resources. I also see Canada wanting a clear defined path to who is an ally and who is a threat. I see the allies convincing Canada if you want to remain an ally, you need to do as we say, and if you don't you are welcome to defend yourself on your own. I get the Canadian government was highly influenced to get this bill out there and passed in the name of protecting the people, but more importantly, to know more about what is going on at all costs. I also see the information gathered (by now legal forms) isn't just limited to the Canadian government, but also Canada's allies. The US is particularly interested as Canada border it to the north.

Getting this bill revoked looks to be of high interest to the people, but it will be difficult. I see closer to voting time if the issue is pushed there will be some "false flags" occurring to demonstrate why you do need this bill. People will convinced that the government needs this kind of access in order to protect the people. I cannot see it getting reversed because too many people in power what it to exist. Then I hear "it is easier to defend rights that you have rather than try to regain rights that are lost."

[As a side note, don't ever stop working toward what you believe is right as long as it is in the greater good. Then I hear as I type "If you only do what you always did, you will always have what you've already got. Change requires action."]

And that is all I have on this. Thank you.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Boston Bombing: Jahar [Quick Update]

Q. Did Jahar Tsarnaev (Boston Marathon) after final death penalty verdict in court today really apologize for what HE and his brother did, or it was misrepresented by media? Did they break him down to extend that he really accepted the idea that THEY did that, or his apology was misunderstood / misrepresented? It was the only opportunity for him to be heard publicly, and by this apology to victims' families he admitted his guilt instead of saying that he did not do it. Was he afraid to stand up for himself (a little kid in the monstrous system)? How are he, his mother/ sisters, and his convicted friends in jail doing? Will all of them heal, physically and psychologically, after all?
A. I wanted to do a quick update on this. I know many people are concerned with what is going on...

I first get that he was forced (like a punishment) to apologize to everyone. It was like it was some part of a deal that he had. When I ask what kind of a deal (because to him he feels like he has lost everything), I get it comes down to the safety of his family and friends. He has come to a point where he has accepted his own fate, but he still feels like he has some control of what happens to his family and friends.

I see him and his family really looking toward faith and some kind of spiritual guidance to come from above. I see images of a black book that has the feel of a bible, but it has golden triangles on the front. It looks like the people in his "bubble" are reaching a point of acceptance, and looking beyond their physical being and knowing that in a spiritual state all things will be "reset."

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

if you would like to see other readings regarding the Boston Bombings (I have done several), please click on the "Boston Bombing" label on the right side of my blog.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Charleston Murders - Dylann Storm Roof

Q. Hello PF. Please could you do a reading on Dylann Storm Roof? The kid who murdered 9 black people in an African American church in Charleston. First of all, is that even his real name? Feels like an anagram. Secondly, what motivated the killing? Was he programmed to do it, or was it of his own volition? Why does the media seem to be protecting his image? Fourthly, is the confederate flag burning some sort of propaganda? I feel it is a means of distracting people from the real issues. Who is benefiting from these current racial tensions? Would really appreciate your insight on this case PF, thanks.
A. I see the underlying agenda as being to start a race war to keep us fighting between ourselves. As one issue dies off, we are presented with another to keep the negative energy flowing. If we are in turmoil the government can come in and "save us" by taking away more rights (we will voluntarily give them up in exchange for "protection") and they can also act on other political affairs while remaining under the radar.

The name is a fake.. When I look at the name I saw a separation DY LANN.. Then it morphed to "DIE LANN." [I did take a second to look up lann in the dictionary because I felt like it was telling my die "lann" and realized the etymology of lann means church in one of the forms] This event was planned to happen in a church to evoke a stronger emotion from the population. Then I get that this event happening at a church is the same analogy as Sandy Hook being said to happen at a school. They both create intense emotions.

I see this person as really being some kind of Federal Agent being masked to be someone else. He was chosen for his look (Caucasian, male, and looks much younger than his "real" age). I get he was paid off to do this, and will float through the legal system and eventually just kind of "vanish" like a witness in the relation program.

The ultimate goal of these false flags (aside from the breakdown of society rather than creating unity) is to get some kind of bill enacted in which eventually all guns have to be registered, and from there a tax / fee / paid license will occur. I see it turning into a federal offense to own or possess a gun that isn't "taxed" to some extent. Then I hear that guns (starting with long guns) will have to have some kind of stamp issued similar to how a "stamp" is issued to have a silencer or muffler (is the word I hear) on your gun.

I also see some kind of plot diagram in the shape of the US being created with this knowledge, and the states lining the Mississippi and most of Texas are bright red in comparison to the rest of the US. Guns looks to be sprinkled like pepper all over the US, but the concentration is closer to the Mississippi (both sides).

I keep hearing this phrase and I cannot connect to how it pertains or where I am being directed, but the phrase is "All that we need for evil to exist is for good men to do nothing.."

And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light-

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ignoring Every Valid Study, Pope Announces Heterosexuals Make Better Parents

Oh, Pope. Pope. Pope. Pope. What the F, man? The day after Rome had a gay pride parade, Pope Francis decided to tell his throngs of followers that heterosexuals make better parents than homosexuals, and that children do better in homes where they have a man and woman watching over them. From a story in [Read More...]

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Calm and Relaxed Hentai Breeding Slave Takes Oviposition Eggs Inside Her Open Womb

Calm and Relaxed Hentai Breeding Slave Takes Oviposition Eggs Inside Her Open Womb

She was just recently captured by the tentacles. It didn’t take long for her to realize that this life was way better then what was planned for her in her normal life. No more school, no more worries about what to wear, what to eat, where to go. The tentacles will take care of her, and the pleasure is totally worth the lack of freedom to think and do as one pleases. Even in the first hour of breeding she is already accepting their eggs like a boss! She is even helping keep her legs up so that they don’t miss a single egg deposited inside of her womb.

-Elli Sander

Calm and Relaxed Hentai Breeding Slave Takes Oviposition Eggs Inside Her Open Womb

The post Calm and Relaxed Hentai Breeding Slave Takes Oviposition Eggs Inside Her Open Womb appeared first on Free Hentai Flash Porn Games.

Scheduled Meditation with a Weekly Focus

Hello everyone! I had a great idea submitted to me to hold a weekly meditation with the goal being to focus on one topic each week. Once you go into the meditation and feel yourself as being balanced, send healing, love and positive energy in that direction of that weeks focus. Collectively we can make a difference (and it is important that you realize and believe it!). Intent is everything!

I would like to set this up for 9 AM EST each Sunday for four consecutive Sundays. If you cannot join in at 9, join in when you can. Positive thoughts are always welcome whether you are meditating, riding in a car, or sitting quietly for a few moments at work.

Here is a schedule (that we can modify depending on comments that come in).. Let's start on June 21st in celebration of the summer solstice (when energy is already high).

June 21st: Focus on a collective conscious rise in vibration with a focus on togetherness, oneness and connectedness to each other. Realize we are all one.
June 28th: Take our oneness and use that strength to address any past karmatic issues or trauma housed in the oneness (crimes against humanity or other beings). Dismiss them and strengthen the bonds between all of us elevating our vibration along the way.
July 5th: Focus on healing the earth. We have all the resources we need to live, and when we continue to give back to the earth, it will continue to provide. We are surrounded with abundance. *On this same topic A Man Called Dada forwarded me an article regarding healing water. If we all took some time to do this (on a small or big scale), this could be a beautiful step in putting energy and healing into our water. I encourage you to read this and share it. http://galacticconnection.com/3-spiritual-methods-to-heal-the-water-on-the-planet/#sthash.FxUZWHs1.dpbs
July 12th: Focus on banishing the effects of fear. See items causing fear (finances, politics, etc) as a statement of knowledge and learning, but disengage from the emotion (which just makes it stronger). Eventually these tactics become ineffective, and from there peace can begin to blossom.

I look forward to "seeing" you there. Love and light- Lynn

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Spirit Healers (Mr. Alfredo Luiz Di Palma Albarello)

Q. Hi Lynn, Could you please answer this question? As commented on your blog, this spirit healer (Mr. Alfredo Luiz Di Palma Albarello, age 50 to 60) falls sick for 3-4 days after each healing session. Could you possibly find the cause and if possible suggest some measures against it. He treats once every fortnight and tends up to 50 people (as far as I could observe). His sessions are free and as a special gift during his sessions a MD is present and prescribes the drugs recommended by the spirit (the drugs can be bought at a pharmacy of the patient's choice).

This is intriguing because John of God who is almost 73 years old, always treats for 3 days in a row each week (and has around 1000 patients/week). With John of God one has to buy his medicine, if he prescribes some.

BTW, I was present at yesterdays healing session and asked for permission to pose this question to you..
A. I get that Mr Albarello is extremely empathic and uses those skills to preform a form of reiki on his clients. Being empathic allows him to experience someone else's life (emotions, physical condition,etc) through his own person. I get that he does this intently, but never completely breaks away from his clients at the end of the healing (he remains attached so whatever ails them, will carry on and ail him until he goes through his 2-4 day cleanse that manifests as a sickness).

He could benefit from clearing himself quickly between clients, and then do an intense clearing at the end of a session. Carrying other peoples energy for extended times can really wear on a system (stress, fatigue, etc). In addition to clearing himself he can direct the energy he projects on to people in through his crown and out his hands and feet while he heals his own being.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Breeding Hentai Ritual Sexy Village Whore Pushes Out Large Monster Eggs

Breeding Hentai Ritual Sexy Village Whore Pushes Out Large Monster Eggs

Every month the monster village breeding vessel pushes another pile of eggs out! Once she is done the monsters then must inject new smaller fertile eggs inside of her so she can continue to increase their village size. Nothing better then being a breeding whore.

-Elli Sanders

Breeding Hentai Ritual Sexy Village Whore Pushes Out Large Monster Eggs

The post Breeding Hentai Ritual Sexy Village Whore Pushes Out Large Monster Eggs appeared first on Free Hentai Flash Porn Games.