The name is a fake.. When I look at the name I saw a separation DY LANN.. Then it morphed to "DIE LANN." [I did take a second to look up lann in the dictionary because I felt like it was telling my die "lann" and realized the etymology of lann means church in one of the forms] This event was planned to happen in a church to evoke a stronger emotion from the population. Then I get that this event happening at a church is the same analogy as Sandy Hook being said to happen at a school. They both create intense emotions.
I see this person as really being some kind of Federal Agent being masked to be someone else. He was chosen for his look (Caucasian, male, and looks much younger than his "real" age). I get he was paid off to do this, and will float through the legal system and eventually just kind of "vanish" like a witness in the relation program.
The ultimate goal of these false flags (aside from the breakdown of society rather than creating unity) is to get some kind of bill enacted in which eventually all guns have to be registered, and from there a tax / fee / paid license will occur. I see it turning into a federal offense to own or possess a gun that isn't "taxed" to some extent. Then I hear that guns (starting with long guns) will have to have some kind of stamp issued similar to how a "stamp" is issued to have a silencer or muffler (is the word I hear) on your gun.
I also see some kind of plot diagram in the shape of the US being created with this knowledge, and the states lining the Mississippi and most of Texas are bright red in comparison to the rest of the US. Guns looks to be sprinkled like pepper all over the US, but the concentration is closer to the Mississippi (both sides).
I keep hearing this phrase and I cannot connect to how it pertains or where I am being directed, but the phrase is "All that we need for evil to exist is for good men to do nothing.."
And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light-
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