Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Chicago and Threat of Attack

Q. Hi Lynn, can you look into this story? Thank you!! CBS Chicago is warning residents that they are at risk from being ‘vaporized’ by Russia should Putin decide to launch a nuclear attack against the U.S. - See more at: http://yournewswire.com/chicago-prepares-for-nuclear-apocalypse-from-russian-threat/#sthash.pQ37G4Ib.dpuf
A. When I tune into this, I see it as fear being spread without having a genuine knowledge of an attack being planned. I get that a small group within the localized media speculated that this "could" happen, and from that a story was born.

I also get that if Russia were to attack the US, it will be on the coast of the Atlantic (New York or DC area) or the Pacific (San Jose) area (those are the areas that Russia looks to have interest in). The more central parts of the country will be left alone... Russia does not want a nuclear war as the effects are too irreversible- they are ramping up their nuclear storage though, but this is more out of a defensive need. I get if they do attack they will try to use weaponry that can be "cleansed" off the surface rather than destroy it.

Q. Will Russia attack and where?
A. I see them doing things to the US in a defensive way rather than an offensive tactic... I also get that they (Russia) will be made out to be the aggressor, when in reality they have been victim to a lot of passive aggressive attacks (weather manipulation and some kind of economic game).

I do see them attacking and it will be to send a message to leave them alone- but it looks to accelerate things and give the US the reason it needed (and wanted) to go into a more forefront battle. I see the actual attack being some kind of small scale attack on New York- with a time frame of fall 2015. I also see Russia as forming alliances and formulating their own passive aggressive attack back on the US- Then I hear they want to get the US where it hurts, and see a picture of a wallet. The transition to gold and slowly phasing out the dollar in certain international trade is coming (and will be seen with the emerging of Russia and her alliances).... I want to say this will happen within a year...

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Sunday, March 29, 2015

SS Ourang Medan (Ghost Ship)

Q. Hi Lynn, thank You! Although there's no picture left from this ship could you possibly comment on the fate of this vessel's crew? In June 1947 a dutch flagged merchant ship named SS Ourang Medan experienced a very uncommon fate while in the strait of Malacca --> frantic Morse Code messages were received from the Dutch freighter Ourang Medan. The message was received by many ships and several responded. The message reported ‘All officers including captain are dead lying in chartroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead.’ A second message was received shortly after, this time a voice over the radio simply stating ‘I die’. Dutch and British listening posts were able to triangulate the position and vector a rescue attempt to the Ourang Medan. After several hours the Silver Star the arrived on scene. After failed attempts to hail the vessel using whistle signals and flashing lights. they assembled a small team and boarded the apparently undamaged Ourang Medan. They first ventured to the bridge where a radio was playing, several members of the Ships’ Company, including the Captain, were found dead, more corpses were discovered on the Cargo Deck including a dog standing on all four legs, frozen and snarling into thin air. No survivors were found on board, but what was most disturbing was the nature of the bodies, all frozen in place looking up towards the sun, their arms outstretched, mouths gaping, and a look of immense horror on all their faces. A trip to the communications room revealed the author of the SOS messages, also dead, his hand still on the Morse sending key, eyes wide open and teeth bared. Strangely, there was no sign of wounds or injuries on any of the bodies. The crew of the Silver Star attempted to enter the Cargo Bay but a small explosion from an unknown source soon resulted in an uncontrollable inferno. Beaten back, they were forced to abandon the vessel and return to the safety of the Silver Star. Within minutes the vessel sank to the depths of the ocean floor. Although there are no clear records of a ship by the name Ourang Medan existing, many conspiracy theorists believe the vessel was acting under a false name and was transporting something that ‘officially’ did not exist. The fate of the Ourang Medan and her crew remain a mystery. Speculation has been made that pirates killed the crew and sabotaged the ship, although this doesn’t explain the peculiar grimaces and lack of injuries on the corpses. Others have claimed that clouds of methane or other noxious natural gases could have bubbled up from fissures on the sea bed and engulfed the ship. Even more fantastical theories involving aliens and ghosts abound. Thanks again!
A. As I tune into this, I am taken back to where the mission itself was being organized. I see flashes of the show "The Last Ship" with a focus on the scientist that is there doing research and compiling information unbeknownst to the crew (they didn't know what she was doing or who she was working for). I get the SS Ourang Medan also had a mission within a mission, and there was a hidden component of the underlying mission in which the majority of the ship was unaware (and my impression is that it is in their best interest NOT to know). .

Q. What was the mission?
A. It is first coming to me that it was some kind of artifact that was found. Then I get the image of a group of people finding this "object" while digging in a thin layer of fossilized material- this group then proceeds to slowly dig out the item (as if if was an archaeological dig- very slowly and delicately), but then realize it is a modern looking piece of equipment. It looks like they first thought it was some kind of fossil (because of depth and appearance), but when it was removed from the earth it was a modern "thing" buried like a fossil...?? (Then I get the best way to understand this is to imagine digging in the ground, finding something strange, your think you have discovered a fossil and then realize it is some kind of technologically advanced item that you have never seen and realize it has been there for hundreds or thousands of years).

Then I go a little deeper and realize that when these "locals" uncovered this "modern device" they kept it very quiet, and wanted to use this as some kind of trade / barter or sell for a large sum of money. I see that they felt confident that they stumbled upon a piece of ET technology or proof- lit has the look of a downed UFO ship. It looks like the real mission of this ship was to get this UFO to a profitable destination.

Q. What happened on the trip?
A. I see the boat traveling, and I keep wanting to look at the sky. I get that what happened came from above rather than below. Then I see that by moving this ET ship some kind of GPS system activated. When the ship was in the earth, it was dormant or non-functioning, but when it was moved (and somehow the water magnified the signal) it triggered something from above.

I get at the moment of the "attack" on the ship a UFO presented itself above the ship to try to retrieve its' property (or ETs that may be tied to the cargo). I see an ET walking on board and approaching the captain (and people that looked in control) first and mentally asking them for their property, what they are doing and where are the ETs that were aboard the UFO they were transporting- fear and shock took over and those people were unable to respond. The ETs then began pointing at people and with a simple thought the people on the ship would levitate upward (laying flat on their back with their stomach elevated higher than the rest of them as if a string was tied to them at their belly button) [NOTE: Their position is very similar to the picture I put on here.] and then they fall straight down to the ground. It looks like as they floated up in this levitated state the life force separated from them and continued to float upwards (their soul left their body) and their physical body dropped to the ground like a shell. It happened fast and almost instantly.

Some frantic messages left the boat, but for the most part this happened quick- There were no words to really describe what was happening, and I get the messages were short and a little disconnected. Fear and panic surrounded this ship.

Q. What caused the explosion that sunk the SS Ourang Medan?
A. I get that after the people on board the ship were killed, the ETs searched the boat and found the UFO craft in the cargo area. They tried to activate the UFO ship, but it was not operable (able to fly). When they realized that the UFO would not work, and there were no other ETs on the ship, the ETs left (I see them teleport to their ship that was hovering above the SS Ourang Medan).

At the moment they left, rescue boats showed up and witnessed this sight. It was at this exact moment that the ETs from above activated a "self destruct" feature within the inoperable UFO on the ship. I get they did not want their technology in what they felt were the wrong hands, and did not want humans to possess that type of knowledge. My impression of the energy behind this feels that it came from a selfish place rather than for reasons involving the greater good--- When this UFO ship self destructed, it created the explosion that sunk the SS Ourang Medan.

Q. What ET race was responsible?
A. This race has very negative feelings tied to it... It has a reptilian "feel" to it, but even more intense. Reptilians reside on the earth's surface, and slightly below, but this species that came down is based in the sky. Then it comes to me that some of the higher reptilians (more powerful) escaped earth to further preserve their race (I want to use the term Archon) and created an ET made based near the moon (if you were to look at the moon they would be stationed at the 2:00 position). It was this sky based group that came down to the SS Ourang Medan.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Germanwings A320 Plane Crash

Q. Hi Lynn, Could you please do a quick reading on Germanwings A320 plane crash in French Alps. Looks odd to have so many planes falling recently.

A. As I tune into this I see myself sitting in the cockpit and staring out into the sky. The weather looks fine (nice actually). Things feel calms, it has the "feel" of a normal flight. Then as the plane nears the mountains I see this image of the air being different- I want to use the word thin. It is as if they approach a patch of air that was so thin (or lacking of substance) that it could not hold the plane afloat, and I see jerks in altitude, much like going down steps in an elevator. At this time they sent in a message that they were in trouble.

I see the pilots were quick to respond (looks like a high level of competence even though very shaken), but they could not get the plane to "float" in that current air condition. I don't see any kind of fire or explosion with the normal engines, BUT there was some motor (or engine/backup/plan??) they used to try to pull the plane through this area of air, and I see that there was some kind of mechanical failure with this equipment (I get the feel this motor/mechanical device isn't something frequently used. Then I get the analogy that it was like pulling your backup parachute and finding it tangled in knots). They then found themselves in this "strange air" with no feasible plan to escape.

I see the media will broadcast this as tragic, and then add a fear spin to it. They will try to tie to it terror or to ISIS (and ISIS likes the negative publicity because it just gives strength to this cause). In reality, it was a horrible situation followed by a mechanical issue that led to this crash.

And that is all I have for this reading. Much love and light to these families-

Monday, March 23, 2015

Thanks for Subscribing!

Welcome to your daily dose of Elli Sanders! Yes… and if you have not figured it out yet. I’m am your host… Elli Sanders. Just wanted to welcome you to my family and I really hope to get to know … Continue reading

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

4 Reasons I’m Glad I Came Out as an Atheist

I wrote this for AlterNet, but it also ran in Salon (tweeted out under a ridiculously inaccurate headline) and is slated to run in the next issue of the Freedom from Religion Foundation’s newspaper, Freethought Today.  Coming out of any proverbial closet can be hard. For those of us who have hidden part of our identities from [Read More...]

Friday, March 20, 2015

REMINDER Group Meditation Tonight

Hello everyone. Just a reminder that tonight is the group meditation! If you have a few minutes or longer, please join us. It starts at 6:45 PM EST.

The following link contains a link to some free meditation music (Thank you, Craig Howell!). http://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2015/03/reminder-collective-consciousness.html

I also had someone new to meditation request some pointers, so I want to share some thoughts (feel free to piggyback on any of this in the comment section- we learn so much from each other :-)

  • Find a comfortable spot and position. You will need to be able to relax and stay relaxed.
  • Set your intent. Think about what you want to accomplish prior to the meditation. For example, "I would like to have a deeper connection to the universal consciousness. I want to experience things only in the greater good of myself and others during this journey."
  • Clear your mind and start to relax yourself- start with your feet and move upwards. (If you find your mind wandering and thoughts are invading, just clear you mind and go back to relaxing. Some people like quiet, some like music, some like to focus on a color or image- you do what feels right to you.
  • Allow you subconscious to work- you may see nothing and be more in tune with emotion or you may see an image like a daydream- just go with it.
  • When you feel your meditation is over, take a few cleansing breaths, and go about your day..
You may not get an answer right away, and that is ok! Often times within the next day or two you will have a moment or feeling of clarity- the universe may need a little time to allow things to align to make the answer "feel right."

Also, as long as you set good intentions, there really is no wrong way to do it- if something doesn't feel right, readjust what you are doing and try again. Different things work better for some than others, and like anything, experimenting and practice will make this a great experience.

I look forward to connecting with all of you tonight! Love and light-

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

On Snakes, Truth-Speakers, & St. Patrick

If we extend the metaphor further, then not only did St. Patrick (and by extension, Christianity) drive the Druids and Pagans from Ireland, but also he drove Truth and the wisdom of mind-expansion from Ireland. Anybody want a green beer yet?

Monday, March 16, 2015

You are a slave to your cultural norms

Last weekend the US entered Daylight Savings Time. This is always a moment of great grumbling as people lose an hour of sleep to the clock change. Facebook posts pop up with anti-Daylight-Savings memes of various types. This one in particular had led me to think a lot about the nature of the day and [Read More...]

Sunday, March 15, 2015

World Events [Group Post]

Q. There are several sources on the Internet that say, the Leadership of Israel is taking them on a self destructive/suicidal course. Many sources also state that the Jewish people and the others in that area of the world have special DNA that would hinder the control of them by the Reptilians when some of them shifted to a 4D earth.. Do you see any truth to this? It may help us understand why the leadership acts like it does... Thank You.
A. I get that the many of the leaders in that area of the world have created some kind of "false ego" within themselves. I take this to mean that they see themselves as bigger, stronger and untouchable no matter how much they provoke or discuss action plans than they really are. They cannot see themselves being harmed, as if the people around them are "not as good or have the ability to out-wit them." They have tunnel vision, and cannot comprehend the bigger picture of what is happening, or realize that other countries may not come to the rescue (I see the depend on this, expect it, and can't conceive the possibility of that not happening). Those ideas further reinforce the ego.. Then I get "a bully isn't so tough without having their friends standing behind them." Even though many people of Israel are Jewish, it has nothing to do with a religious preference- it is a way of thinking (a mental mindset).

I also get that people with this type of ego cannot ascend into a 4D earth. They feel unbalanced, and have much to learn. They will have to incarnate back into a 3D world to learn the energetic balance. Regarding reptilian control- this mindset the currently possess is caused by some activation of the reptilian brain, therefore, they are being already controlled and just don't realize it.

Q. Can you do a reading for Mexico? What's in their future? Will the violence end?
A. When I focus on Mexico, I get something about the overall lack of maturity of the government or way they think. There are good people, but they are overpowered by a corrupt system. I also get that drugs have infected Mexico like a virus. Many years ago they were viewed as recreational, but have since become a money making part of the system. People in Mexico are willing to take risks, and the payoff is huge- and that huge payoff pays the people that matter to turn a blind eye while. Drugs have too much influence.

I also get that when the majority of the United States legalizes marijuana, there will be a shift in Mexico to create the harder drugs such as cocaine and heroine- but I can't see that sustaining. The legalization of marijuana in the US will eventually lead to a major shift in Mexico because even though there are customers for the harder drugs, the majority of people look to be happy having access to marijuana legally and don't need to seek out harder substances. This also looks like a turning point for the crime too- the drug money isn't there to buy into the corrupt system, and things start to clean up.

At that point the poverty is evaluated and I see some kind of deal being made with the US- like the US owns part of the land (more like a rent?) in exchange for being able to put factories there (which employ Mexican citizens). The US doesn't want to officially own the land because it is subject to minimum wages laws, benefits, etc... but feels like a good trade for the citizens to help boost them up. The time frame I see for this type of growth and shift is within the next 8 to 10 years.

Q. I'd like to know about future disasters or something which will change Japan. I read that the big earthquake will occur around the north part of Japan. I worry that a tsunami will attack the south (south west) of Japan in the near future...
A. When I focus on Japan, the words "vulnerable and delicate" both come up.. Japan feels so weakened. I see Japan being hit with a lot of storms over the period of May through September this year (some feel "hurricane-like"). I don't see a tsunami, but I do see flooding. I also get that Japan has never been able to recover from Fukushima- environmentally, health or the factories themselves- every time there is an opportunity to make an improvement some kind of weather event prevents it. I also get a taste in my mouth, as if the pollution is unbearable to breathe (like you cannot get a breath of fresh air), but somehow people have gotten used to it.???

Q.Can you see whether we will at some point experience a drastic shift in the position of the poles, one that really upsets the earth (and all who are on it)? Also, in that vein, do you foresee that the earth could slow down even more (it is doing it now) until it stops, then reverses direction? Evidently this has happened before in our earth's history. Some postulated that this stopping point was the "three days of darkness" prophesied to happen. Or what do you see for the "there days of darkness" prophecy and how that would play out, if at all?
A. Right now we are having a tremendous "earth wobble" effect going on. As the earth dips down on one side and raises on the other, we experience extremes in temperature (it is further exacerbated by man made weather interference / HAARP that I have discussed in other readings.). There is another solar system (with our sister sun) effecting our outlying planets, and even though earth isn't as effected as they are, earth experiences fluctuations in her magnetosphere, and also the gravity nudges from this other system. I do not see a full "pole flop," but I do continue to see these gravitational nudges creating erratic wobbles, resulting in unexplained and unpredictable weather.

I do see earth slowing, and getting to where the days are longer (by about 30 minutes at its' peak). I also get we may have a brief moment that for a few days we rotate VERY slowly which could result in 3 days of darkness (on one side) and 3 days of light (other the other side). I cannot connect to a reversal in the rotation, but definitely a slowing, followed by a 24.5 hour daily rotation.

(Here is a link I previously shared illustrating the earth wobbling. Thank you Da-da for creating this! http://amancalleddada.blogspot.com/2015/03/wobble-update-for-3-7-15-0041-eastern.html)

Q. Dear Lynn: Thank you for continuing to broaden (my) world views. What is your take on girls joining ISIS? I was stricken with concern over the story about Shannon Conley being sentenced to jail but something struck me as odd about the story. I continued searching and the stories about girls going to Syria (easily) and again these stories strike me as odd.....Are we being told the truth? Is social media really to blame? It seems that all governments know about everything on the internet so they could just shut down ISIS media, yet they do not (not that I want the internet censored but it is already occuring). Is there a connection to these stories which seem similar but are happening across the world? Are other countries carrying these same stories or are they for the US/UK citizens specifically? Thank you for the (en)light(enment). Warm wishes.

A. The first thing I get when I tune into ISIS, is that this organization is based on propaganda and fear. The real threat comes from the people creating ISIS, not from ISIS itself (it is just a name). When I hear the news talking about "ISIS" I always felt there was something to the name itself- some kind of subliminal message, and it came to me in a conversation- when our media is talking (advertising and giving attention to ISIS), it is as if they are saying "Is Us"- subtly telling the truth..

People in power created this "thing" as a way to evoke fear, exhibit control and give an excuse to execute false flags. I get there is no more of a reason to fear these girls going to "ISIS" than there is to fear an "Ebola, Flu, Shingles, Measles outbreak- those headlines barely exist anymore." Then I hear, "they have a good story, and they are sticking to it." ISIS exists in order to give people in power and excuse to occupy land close to oil, take advantage of what resources are there and serve as a convenient patsy..

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Friday, March 13, 2015

Your Home Has Been Stolen

When I was growing up, the native people of the land where I lived were invisible to me. They were represented by museum displays as curiosities of the past. They were described as a subject for study by archaeologists. I never even realized that there were still Ohlone people living in the area.

Luscious Luna

Luscious Luna Dress Up Hentai Games This dress down game has five starting outfits and positions. You can click the arrow on the right to have her clothes disappear. Then she will get into a different position and have a … Continue reading

Thursday, March 5, 2015

How to Eliminate Mental Toxins – Part Five

Welcome to the final installment of the Detoxing the Mind Series. We’ve identified toxic beliefs & fears in Detoxing the Mind. We looked at permanently dissolving fears and erroneous beliefs by proving their falsehood. We began the process of fortifying ourselves and moving toward detoxing limiting beliefs and fears. In this final installment, we continue [Read More...]

Sunday, March 1, 2015

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