Q. There are several sources on the Internet that say, the Leadership of Israel is taking them on a self destructive/suicidal course. Many sources also state that the Jewish people and the others in that area of the world have special DNA that would hinder the control of them by the Reptilians when some of them shifted to a 4D earth.. Do you see any truth to this? It may help us understand why the leadership acts like it does... Thank You.
A. I get that the many of the leaders in that area of the world have created some kind of "false ego" within themselves. I take this to mean that they see themselves as bigger, stronger and untouchable no matter how much they provoke or discuss action plans than they really are. They cannot see themselves being harmed, as if the people around them are "not as good or have the ability to out-wit them." They have tunnel vision, and cannot comprehend the bigger picture of what is happening, or realize that other countries may not come to the rescue (I see the depend on this, expect it, and can't conceive the possibility of that not happening). Those ideas further reinforce the ego.. Then I get "a bully isn't so tough without having their friends standing behind them." Even though many people of Israel are Jewish, it has nothing to do with a religious preference- it is a way of thinking (a mental mindset).
I also get that people with this type of ego cannot ascend into a 4D earth. They feel unbalanced, and have much to learn. They will have to incarnate back into a 3D world to learn the energetic balance. Regarding reptilian control- this mindset the currently possess is caused by some activation of the reptilian brain, therefore, they are being already controlled and just don't realize it.

I also get that people with this type of ego cannot ascend into a 4D earth. They feel unbalanced, and have much to learn. They will have to incarnate back into a 3D world to learn the energetic balance. Regarding reptilian control- this mindset the currently possess is caused by some activation of the reptilian brain, therefore, they are being already controlled and just don't realize it.
Q. Can you do a reading for Mexico? What's in their future? Will the violence end?

At that point the poverty is evaluated and I see some kind of deal being made with the US- like the US owns part of the land (more like a rent?) in exchange for being able to put factories there (which employ Mexican citizens). The US doesn't want to officially own the land because it is subject to minimum wages laws, benefits, etc... but feels like a good trade for the citizens to help boost them up. The time frame I see for this type of growth and shift is within the next 8 to 10 years.
Q. I'd like to know about future disasters or something which will change Japan. I read that the big earthquake will occur around the north part of Japan. I worry that a tsunami will attack the south (south west) of Japan in the near future...
A. When I focus on Japan, the words "vulnerable and delicate" both come up.. Japan feels so weakened. I see Japan being hit with a lot of storms over the period of May through September this year (some feel "hurricane-like"). I don't see a tsunami, but I do see flooding. I also get that Japan has never been able to recover from Fukushima- environmentally, health or the factories themselves- every time there is an opportunity to make an improvement some kind of weather event prevents it. I also get a taste in my mouth, as if the pollution is unbearable to breathe (like you cannot get a breath of fresh air), but somehow people have gotten used to it.???
Q.Can you see whether we will at some point experience a drastic shift in the position of the poles, one that really upsets the earth (and all who are on it)? Also, in that vein, do you foresee that the earth could slow down even more (it is doing it now) until it stops, then reverses direction? Evidently this has happened before in our earth's history. Some postulated that this stopping point was the "three days of darkness" prophesied to happen. Or what do you see for the "there days of darkness" prophecy and how that would play out, if at all?
A. Right now we are having a tremendous "earth wobble" effect going on. As the earth dips down on one side and raises on the other, we experience extremes in temperature (it is further exacerbated by man made weather interference / HAARP that I have discussed in other readings.). There is another solar system (with our sister sun) effecting our outlying planets, and even though earth isn't as effected as they are, earth experiences fluctuations in her magnetosphere, and also the gravity nudges from this other system. I do not see a full "pole flop," but I do continue to see these gravitational nudges creating erratic wobbles, resulting in unexplained and unpredictable weather.
I do see earth slowing, and getting to where the days are longer (by about 30 minutes at its' peak). I also get we may have a brief moment that for a few days we rotate VERY slowly which could result in 3 days of darkness (on one side) and 3 days of light (other the other side). I cannot connect to a reversal in the rotation, but definitely a slowing, followed by a 24.5 hour daily rotation.
(Here is a link I previously shared illustrating the earth wobbling. Thank you Da-da for creating this! http://amancalleddada.blogspot.com/2015/03/wobble-update-for-3-7-15-0041-eastern.html)
Q. Dear Lynn: Thank you for continuing to broaden (my) world views. What is your take on girls joining ISIS? I was stricken with concern over the story about Shannon Conley being sentenced to jail but something struck me as odd about the story. I continued searching and the stories about girls going to Syria (easily) and again these stories strike me as odd.....Are we being told the truth? Is social media really to blame? It seems that all governments know about everything on the internet so they could just shut down ISIS media, yet they do not (not that I want the internet censored but it is already occuring). Is there a connection to these stories which seem similar but are happening across the world? Are other countries carrying these same stories or are they for the US/UK citizens specifically? Thank you for the (en)light(enment). Warm wishes.
A. The first thing I get when I tune into ISIS, is that this organization is based on propaganda and fear. The real threat comes from the people creating ISIS, not from ISIS itself (it is just a name). When I hear the news talking about "ISIS" I always felt there was something to the name itself- some kind of subliminal message, and it came to me in a conversation- when our media is talking (advertising and giving attention to ISIS), it is as if they are saying "Is Us"- subtly telling the truth..
People in power created this "thing" as a way to evoke fear, exhibit control and give an excuse to execute false flags. I get there is no more of a reason to fear these girls going to "ISIS" than there is to fear an "Ebola, Flu, Shingles, Measles outbreak- those headlines barely exist anymore." Then I hear, "they have a good story, and they are sticking to it." ISIS exists in order to give people in power and excuse to occupy land close to oil, take advantage of what resources are there and serve as a convenient patsy..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I do see earth slowing, and getting to where the days are longer (by about 30 minutes at its' peak). I also get we may have a brief moment that for a few days we rotate VERY slowly which could result in 3 days of darkness (on one side) and 3 days of light (other the other side). I cannot connect to a reversal in the rotation, but definitely a slowing, followed by a 24.5 hour daily rotation.
(Here is a link I previously shared illustrating the earth wobbling. Thank you Da-da for creating this! http://amancalleddada.blogspot.com/2015/03/wobble-update-for-3-7-15-0041-eastern.html)
Q. Dear Lynn: Thank you for continuing to broaden (my) world views. What is your take on girls joining ISIS? I was stricken with concern over the story about Shannon Conley being sentenced to jail but something struck me as odd about the story. I continued searching and the stories about girls going to Syria (easily) and again these stories strike me as odd.....Are we being told the truth? Is social media really to blame? It seems that all governments know about everything on the internet so they could just shut down ISIS media, yet they do not (not that I want the internet censored but it is already occuring). Is there a connection to these stories which seem similar but are happening across the world? Are other countries carrying these same stories or are they for the US/UK citizens specifically? Thank you for the (en)light(enment). Warm wishes.
A. The first thing I get when I tune into ISIS, is that this organization is based on propaganda and fear. The real threat comes from the people creating ISIS, not from ISIS itself (it is just a name). When I hear the news talking about "ISIS" I always felt there was something to the name itself- some kind of subliminal message, and it came to me in a conversation- when our media is talking (advertising and giving attention to ISIS), it is as if they are saying "Is Us"- subtly telling the truth..
People in power created this "thing" as a way to evoke fear, exhibit control and give an excuse to execute false flags. I get there is no more of a reason to fear these girls going to "ISIS" than there is to fear an "Ebola, Flu, Shingles, Measles outbreak- those headlines barely exist anymore." Then I hear, "they have a good story, and they are sticking to it." ISIS exists in order to give people in power and excuse to occupy land close to oil, take advantage of what resources are there and serve as a convenient patsy..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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